
Latest version: v5.9.0

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* Adding 83 HDR10+ support for x265 (thanks to SlashX)
* Adding x265 params hdr10, hdr10-opt, aq-mode and repeat-headers
* Adding basic splash info and waiting cursor for events
* Adding button to open config file from setting panel
* Changing that autocrop will test two spots if possible (thanks to HannesJo0139)
* Changing covers generated in their own temp directory
* Fixing 103 x265-params were being pre-pended with an extra ":" (thanks to Zeid164)
* Fixing 101 FFmpeg status codes now taken into account for errors


* Fixing 96 input selection did not support all video formats
* Fixing 95 unicode decode error for FFmpeg output


* Adding ETA and size estimates on status panel
* Adding custom x265-params options
* Adding support for WebP encodings
* Changing height to say "Auto" when keeping aspect ratio
* Changing that buttons will be disabled without video or when encoding
* Fixing cover extraction could timeout and crash program
* Fixing 89 x265 params for hdr10 changed names (thanks to SlashX)
* Fixing 92 cannot start FastFlix on Mac (thanks to Paul Bakaus)
* Fixing autocrop sometimes failing due to muxing size limitations
* Fixing thumbnail generation did not work for videos with multiple video tracks
* Fixing gif generation to work with new filter_complex
* Fixing gif output network location would not work


* Fixing 87 psutil not listed as requirement for pip (thanks to I-Iawk)


* Adding 75 burn-in subtitle support (thanks to Trevbams)
* Adding 81 auto crop feature (thanks to HannesJo0139)
* Adding 84 pause / resume functionality (thanks to loungebob)
* Adding hover info for Audio and Subtitle tracks
* Adding confirm overwrite dialog if file already exists and is not empty
* Adding linking to issues in changelog file
* Changing to explicitly set no-slow-firstpass for x265 bitrate runs
* Changing FFmpeg to download latest available
* Fixing AVC always copied chapters
* Fixing how aspect ratio interacted with crop
* Fixing HEVC would copy HDR10 details on 8-bit videos


* Adding support for movie title
* Adding settings for disable update check on startup and limited audio conversions
* Adding 57 after conversion options (thanks to TGMais)
* Adding Windows should not to go to sleep during conversion
* Changing 80 thumbnail preview will start at 10% in if no start time given (thanks to zsumie)
* Changing no longer need to restart for setting page changes
* Changing width and height will only give warnings if not divisible by two
* Fixing output name is not regenerated on encoder switch if matching extension
* Fixing 79 crash on no internet connection (thanks to L0Lock)
* Fixing output paths not working on network drives

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