
Latest version: v5.9.0

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* Fixing 479 some zho and jpn translations, fixed some typos (thanks to Jing Luo)
* Fixing incorrect PNG profiles for mac toolbox icons


* Fixing 474 SVT-AV1 single pass would not be set on return from queue (thanks to veldspar)
* Fixing 475 Autocrop can break with index error (thanks to No Name / phanluchoaofficial1152)
* Fixing 477 HDR10+ not extracting with NVEncC encoder, switching to built in copy ability (thanks to Genine-Collin)


* Fixing missing language options (thanks to RoDanny2021)


* Adding 469 Romanian translations (thanks to RoDanny2021)
* Fixing 468 Custom resolutions not applying (thanks to GT500org)


* Fixing 465 Russian translation (thanks to Ta0ba0)
* Fixing 466 AudioProfile could be deleted before fully created, causing runtime error (thanks to Jean-François Roy)
* Fixing to only allow one new profile window at a time


* Adding decoder option for NVEncC and QSVEncC
* Adding option to disable messages on encoding completion or error
* Adding 266 multiple disposition types for subtitles (thanks to lobofoots)
* Adding 326 support for hwaccel decoding with ffmpeg nvenc (thanks to Jim Leonard)
* Adding 329 Hardware VAAPI encoding support for HEVC, H264, VP9 and MPEG2
* Adding 351 option to disable automatic tab switching (thanks to Wontell)
* Adding 357 QSVencC adapt-ref, adapt-ltr, and adapt-qm parameters (thanks to F.O.R.A.R.T.)
* Adding 368 VCEEncC Pre-Analysis options of sc, ss, activity type, caq, sc qp,lookahead, ltr, paq, taq and motion quality (thanks to Wontell)
* Adding 379 410 dispositions for audio tracks (thanks to markmarz and Don Gafford)
* Fixing videotoolbox setting panels not having custom_q
* Fixing end of run command ran after message box was closed instead of before (thanks to sn6op)
* Fixing changing video or track title did not update the command

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