
Latest version: v0.10.0

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What's new?
- UI token authentication: 388
- Dispatcher commands are now wrapped in a shell: 390
- MD5 checksum replaced with SHA256: 405
- Documentation is now versioned and moved to RTD: 408, 409, 410
- Code quality: 394, 398, 401, 399, 404, 406, 407
- Minor improvements: 395, 403

- Pin minio version in compose file: 382
- Minor fixes: 387, 389, 397, 396, 400

- Documentation fixes and improvements: 378, 379, 381, 402, 392, 411
- Patch for compatibility with Gramine LibOS: 380
- Images are now solely stored on GH registry: 384


What's new?
- Token (single) authentication:
`fedn run reducer --secret-key=<your-secret-phrase>` will generate a token which will be required for combiners and clients to assign to the network. Clients and combiners are then required to authenticate via `fedn run client --token=<generated-token>` or by specifying "token" key in settings YAML file.
- Compute package is no longer required to setup via the web UI: `fedn run reducer --local-package`
Instead clients will make use of a local compute package, i.e. a remote compute package will **not** be downloaded.
- VS Code devcontainer has been added

- Fixes an issue where a client could connect before a seed (initial) model has been uploaded

- Various minor fixes
- Documentation


What's new?
- New resilience feature - clients will now attempt automatic reassignment if their associated combiner goes missing for more than 60s (default, configurable on the CLI).
- Refactor of Client initialization.

- Fixes an issue where training requests to clients are delayed after a client has disconnected from combiner.

- Various minor fixes
- Documentation


What's new?
- It is now possible to start clients as trainer, validators, or both (default).
- Clients now execute training and validation events sequentially, this improves client stability for large models.
- Improved visualization of the network graph.
- Clients and their status are now listed on the network page.
- Refactoring of the combiner aggregator API, making it easier to extend with your own aggregator.

- Minor bugfixes and stability improvements.
- Improved documentation.


What's new?
- The examples previously residing in 'test' have been refactored into a separate repository: https://github.com/scaleoutsystems/examples
- Docker-compose templates for Minio upgraded to support latest version

- Documentation updated
- Introduce Discord community server
- Updated dependency to conform with new minio versions.


What's new?
- Introduced a new events view.
- Introduced a new view for viewing network layout, (reducer, combiner and clients hierarchy)
- Introduced a new setup guide-phase to ensure prereqs like package and model are set before starting execution.
- Introduced a better form for parameter selection on run configuration.
- Introduced async dispatching of run configurations.
- Introduced async update refresh of several important fields for user convenincence like status, events, network hierarchy etc.
- Introduced a new download-client-config function to allow for faster and more convenient client configuration.
(Just download config and point your local client and whoallah! You are online in this federation.)

- Fixed logic bugs related to framework persistance.
- Fixed a logic bug causing clients to get assigned prior to compute package assignment (and hence will not account for assignment policy).
- Fixed a logic bug if reducer is resumed from previous state (to ensure) that the right compute package is selected.
- Update dependency versions.

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