
Latest version: v0.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added new plot for time/round
- Added CPU loads and MEM plot for all rounds
- Allocate clients to accepting combiner with the least number of clients
- Monitoring CPU/MEM/ROUNDS with personalized plots
- Added HTML documentation templates, now accessible from FEDn

- Removed flask-dashboard dependency which was previously bloating the Docker image
- Combiner now handles the case when all Clients fails to update the model
- Removed usage of hard-coded "models" bucket for s3 model commits, now using config instead


- Pull Request template
- Bug Report and Feature Request templates
- Contribution Guide
- Code of Conduct


Compute package bundling, distribution and execution.
- Ability to toggle remote distribution
Reducer init sequence.
- Ability to re(initialize) reducer from command line and settings.yaml
- Control state_store
Tempfile storage backend
- combiner can now choose a tempfile backend for file storage of interim models.

Many performance improvements and bug fixes. See complete change log for details.

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