- Completely reworked the panel into a banner-only solution with only two
buttons, "accept all" and "reject all". The deprecated `{% feincms3_cookiecontrol_panel %}` template tag has been removed. The database
model has been recreated from scratch. If you want to keep the old script
configuration you can copy paste the following SQL into the SQL console
(after removing `feincms3_cookiecontrol` from `MIGRATION_MODULES` if it's
still in there and running migrations of course!):
insert into feincms3_cookiecontrol_script (name, script) select name, inject_if from feincms3_cookiecontrol_cookiescript;
drop table feincms3_cookiecontrol_cookiescript cascade ;
drop table feincms3_cookiecontrol_cookiecategory cascade ;
- Added Django 4.1 to the CI matrix.
- Removed recommended cookies in preparation of the simplification of the panel
to only allow required and optional cookies, nothing else.
- Removed the `inject_else` field because it was always unused and nothing
should be injected if users do not consent.