
Latest version: v1.5.3

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added a fixture containing two categories, `essential` and `analytics` with
default texts for english, german, french and italian.


- Used a CSS class instead of hardcoding values in the CSS to set body styles
when the panel is open, specified the body width.
- Dropped the react config from pre-commit and ESLint.
- Dropped the strange bottom border from links.


- Specified buttons' foreground color, not just their background color.


- Added a `z-index` to the modify button.
- Raised the minimum version of django-admin-ordering to 0.14.2.


- Added unittests for everything in the backend.
- Verified that the amount of SQL queries executed is as expected.
- Changed the JSON structure to keep categories and cookies in a single object.
- Namespaced translations using a gettext context.
- Added clobbering of the panel cache when updating categories or scripts.
- Switched from Webpack to esbuild for the bundled CSS and JavaScript.
- Started using pre-commit.
- Changed the panel to no longer allow revoking all consent but only modify it
-- the former wasn't technically possible anyway because of essential
cookies such as the CSRF cookie which is used on most sites.
- Added a dependency on django-admin-ordering so that categories can be
reordered using drag-drop.
- Merged the two checkboxes `preselect` and `disabled` into a single
`acceptance` choice field. The former allowed the nonsensical
`preselect=false,disabled=true` configuration.
- Disallowed entering `<noscript>` tags.


- **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Changed `inject_if` and `inject_else` to
allow HTML tags, not just inline scripts.

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