
Latest version: v0.21.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added Python 3.11, Django 4.2 to the CI. Removed Django 4.0.
- Switched to hatchling and ruff.
- Stopped setting ``request.site``; the current site is available using



- Add DefaultLanguageListFilter to limit choices to settings.LANGUAGE
- Add default list_filter to SiteAdmin (is_active, host, default_language)
- Added Python 3.10, Django 4.0 and 4.1 to the CI.
- Raised the requirements to Python >= 3.8, Django >= 3.2.



- Fixed exception when using custom site models.



- The site model is now swappable. (4, 5)



- Switched from Travis CI to GitHub actions.
- Updated feincms3-sites for the latest version of feincms3.



- Raised the minimum supported feincms3 version to 0.38.1.
- Verified compatibility with Django 3.1.
- Dropped compatibility with Django<2.2.

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