
Latest version: v0.21.0

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- Fixed a bug where path uniqueness was erroneously checked across
- Replaced the default ``Page.objects.active()`` manager method with our
own ``Page.objects.active(site)`` so that filtering by site is less
easily forgotten.



- Converted middleware to function-based middleware and renamed them to
conform to function naming.
- Replaced ``CanonicalDomainMiddleware`` with a
``redirect_to_site_middleware`` (which does not inherit any
functionality from ``SecurityMiddleware`` -- add the
``SecurityMiddleware`` yourself).



- Added documentation (README only for now).
- Made ``AppsMiddleware`` raise a 404 error if no site matches the
current requests' host.
- Added a ``SiteMiddleware`` for using feincms3-sites without feincms3
- Fixed a bug where creating a root page without a site would crash
insteaf of showing the field required validation error.
- Fixed the ``verbose_name`` of the site foreign key (it only points to
a single site).
- Added a ``CanonicalDomainMiddleware`` which works the same way as the
middleware in `django-canonical-domain
<https://github.com/matthiask/django-canonical-domain>`_, except that
it takes the site from a previous ``AppsMiddleware`` or
``SiteMiddleware`` instead of from a ``CANONICAL_DOMAIN`` setting.



- Initial release!

.. _0.1: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/commit/e19c1ebef0
.. _0.2: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.1...0.2
.. _0.3: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.2...0.3
.. _0.4: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.3...0.4
.. _0.5: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.4...0.5
.. _0.6: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.5...0.6
.. _0.7: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.6...0.7
.. _0.8: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.7...0.8
.. _0.9: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.8...0.9
.. _0.10: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.9...0.10
.. _0.11: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.10...0.11
.. _0.12: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.11...0.12
.. _0.13: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.12...0.13
.. _0.14: https://github.com/matthiask/feincms3-sites/compare/0.13...0.14

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