Known issue
- Do no more support old wrong, but allowed, resqml20 (instead of eml20) EpcExternalPartReference content type.
- Add getParametersOfNodesOfKInterfaceSequenceOfPatch to SWIG
- Set default max chunk size to 1 MB and allow to modify it
- Move ETP support in its own git repository
- Update gSoap enums to strongly typed ones :
- Create WITSML2 (abstract) Well, wellbore and Trajectory
- Add WITSML1.4 Trajectory deserialization support
- Remove untested support of zip/epc password
- Minizip errors now show their integer code in the exception
- Swig port of DataObjectReference and related HdfProxyFactory constructor
- Add swig port for FluidBoundaryInterpretation
- Separate repo setter from relation setter (291)
- Fix JAVA premature garbage collection of HdfProxyFactory
- Add missing port for RockFluidUnitFeature
- Avoid writing and reading nullValue as uint64 but now as int64 (Default null values are now written to -1 instead of unsigned.max) and more and more get rid of uint64 everywhere for other languages port reason.
- Make EpcDocument and DataObjectRepository Java classes AutoCloseable
- PRODML21 XML namespace prefix is not present in XML file
- Documentation fix about min and max of ContinuousProperty
- Fix gSoap DOR creation of a partial versioned dataobject
- Fix wellboreMarker relationships to partial dataobjects
- Fix link between v2.2 unstructured grid and Hdf proxy
- Fix wrong CS and JAVA downcast regarding v2.0 RockFluidOrganization
- Bump to gsoap 2.8.111E C++11 version : Now use scoped enumerations
- Fix centos Dockerfile
- Add (but not use yet) PWLS 3.0 as a FESAPI Resource
- Bump to Catch v2.13.4
- Fix pdb name according to the build configuration
- apt update before apt install in Ubuntu CI
- Use Boost for UUID regular expression check when needed