Legal - Move to Apache 2.0 license This has led to separate the unicode support for C in a different github repo - Now depends on (official) minizip which is provided with (official) zlib.
Development - Can now get the min and max of discrete properties when available - Can now hyperslab on IJK grid geometry (and still on properties)
Bug: - No more crash when getting XYZ point count of a wellbore trajectory without any geometry - Cumulative length null value of ColumnsPerSplitCoordinateLine of IJK parametric grid is set to 0 - Better XML validation at export time : no more zero epsg code, no more empty GridConnectionSetRepresentation
Continuous Integration (only on Github): - Automatic build with VS 2013, clang 5.0 and gcc 4.8.4
Support of : - most of Resqml 2.0.1 : C++, Java and C - part of DAS (from Prodml2.0) pure HDF5 and/or EPC : only C++ for now - part of Witsml but only EPC access (no soap, no ETP) : C++, Java and C