Major Changes
The underlying Server API hasn’t changed, but we made SDK type and class generation more precise, resulting in small breaking changes for the SDK itself. This change should make the SDK API a lot more stable going forward
- - Remove the `BrowserDetails` field `botProbability`.
- Update the `IdentificationConfidence` field `score` type format: `float` -> `double`.
- Make the `RawDeviceAttributeError` field `name` **optional** .
- Make the `RawDeviceAttributeError` field `message` **optional** .
- **events**: Remove the `EventsResponse` field `error`.
- [note]: The errors are represented by `ErrorResponse` model.
- **events**: Update the `HighActivity` field `dailyRequests` type format: `number` -> `int64`.
- **events**: Specify the `Tampering` field `anomalyScore` type format: `double`.
- **webhook**: Make the `Webhook` fields **optional**: `visitorId`, `visitorFound`, `firstSeenAt`, `lastSeenAt`, `browserDetails`, `incognito`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookClonedApp` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookDeveloperTools` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookEmulator` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookFactoryReset` fields `time` and `timestamp` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookFrida` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Update the `WebhookHighActivity` field `dailyRequests` type format: `number` -> `int64`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookIPBlocklist` fields `result` and `details` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookJailbroken` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookLocationSpoofing` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookPrivacySettings` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookProxy` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookRemoteControl` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookRootApps` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookSuspectScore` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookTampering` fields `result`, `anomalyScore` and `antiDetectBrowser` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Specify the `WebhookTampering` field `anomalyScore` type format: `double`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookTor` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookVelocity` fields **optional**: `distinctIp`, `distinctLinkedId`, `distinctCountry`, `events`, `ipEvents`, `distinctIpByLinkedId`, `distinctVisitorIdByLinkedId`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookVirtualMachine` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookVPN` fields **optional**: `result`, `confidence`, `originTimezone`, `methods`. ([8df1d4a](
- - Rename `BotdResult` -> `Botd`.
- Rename `BotdDetectionResult` -> `BotdBot`:
- Extract `result` type as `BotdBotResult`.
- Rename `ClonedAppResult` -> `ClonedApp`.
- Rename `DeveloperToolsResult` -> `DeveloperTools`.
- Rename `EmulatorResult` -> `Emulator`.
- Refactor error models:
- Remove `ErrorCommon403Response`, `ErrorCommon429Response`, `ErrorEvent404Response`, `TooManyRequestsResponse`, `ErrorVisits403`, `ErrorUpdateEvent400Response`, `ErrorUpdateEvent409Response`, `ErrorVisitor400Response`, `ErrorVisitor404Response`, `IdentificationError`, `ProductError`.
- Introduce `ErrorResponse` and `ErrorPlainResponse`.
- [note]: `ErrorPlainResponse` has a different format `{ "error": string }` and it is used only in `GET /visitors`.
- Extract `error` type as `Error`.
- Extract `error.code` type as `ErrorCode`.
- Rename `EventResponse` -> `EventsGetResponse`.
- Rename `EventUpdateRequest` -> `EventsUpdateRequest`.
- Rename `FactoryResetResult` -> `FactoryReset`.
- Rename `FridaResult` -> `Frida`.
- Rename `IPLocation` -> `Geolocation`:
- Rename `IPLocationCity` -> `GeolocationCity`.
- Extract `subdivisions` type as `GeolocationSubdivisions`.
- Rename `Location` -> `GeolocationContinent`:
- Introduce a dedicated type `GeolocationCountry`.
- Rename `Subdivision` -> `GeolocationSubdivision`.
- Rename `HighActivityResult` -> `HighActivity`.
- Rename `Confidence` -> `IdentificationConfidence`.
- Rename `SeenAt` -> `IdentificationSeenAt`.
- Rename `IncognitoResult` -> `Incognito`.
- Rename `IpBlockListResult` -> `IPBlocklist`:
- Extract `details` type as `IPBlocklistDetails`.
- Rename `IpInfoResult` -> `IPInfo`:
- Rename `IpInfoResultV4` -> `IPInfoV4`.
- Rename `IpInfoResultV6` -> `IPInfoV6`.
- Rename `ASN` -> `IPInfoASN`.
- Rename `DataCenter` -> `IPInfoDataCenter`.
- Rename `JailbrokenResult` -> `Jailbroken`.
- Rename `LocationSpoofingResult` -> `LocationSpoofing`.
- Rename `PrivacySettingsResult` -> `PrivacySettings`.
- Rename `ProductsResponse` -> `Products`:
- Rename inner types: `ProductsResponseIdentification` -> `ProductIdentification`, `ProductsResponseIdentificationData` -> `Identification`, `ProductsResponseBotd` -> `ProductBotd`, `SignalResponseRootApps` -> `ProductRootApps`, `SignalResponseEmulator` -> `ProductEmulator`, `SignalResponseIpInfo` -> `ProductIPInfo`, `SignalResponseIpBlocklist` -> `ProductIPBlocklist`, `SignalResponseTor` -> `ProductTor`, `SignalResponseVpn` -> `ProductVPN`, `SignalResponseProxy` -> `ProductProxy`, `ProxyResult` -> `Proxy`, `SignalResponseIncognito` -> `ProductIncognito`, `SignalResponseTampering` -> `ProductTampering`, `SignalResponseClonedApp` -> `ProductClonedApp`, `SignalResponseFactoryReset` -> `ProductFactoryReset`, `SignalResponseJailbroken` -> `ProductJailbroken`, `SignalResponseFrida` -> `ProductFrida`, `SignalResponsePrivacySettings` -> `ProductPrivacySettings`, `SignalResponseVirtualMachine` -> `ProductVirtualMachine`, `SignalResponseRawDeviceAttributes` -> `ProductRawDeviceAttributes`, `RawDeviceAttributesResultValue` -> `RawDeviceAttributes`, `SignalResponseHighActivity` -> `ProductHighActivity`, `SignalResponseLocationSpoofing` -> `ProductLocationSpoofing`, `SignalResponseSuspectScore` -> `ProductSuspectScore`, `SignalResponseRemoteControl` -> `ProductRemoteControl`, `SignalResponseVelocity` -> `ProductVelocity`, `SignalResponseDeveloperTools` -> `ProductDeveloperTools`.
- Extract `` type as `Identification`.
- Rename `RawDeviceAttributesResult` -> `RawDeviceAttributes`:
- Extract item type as `RawDeviceAttribute`.
- Extract `error` type as `RawDeviceAttributeError`.
- Rename `RemoteControlResult` -> `RemoteControl`.
- Rename `RootAppsResult` -> `RootApps`.
- Rename `SuspectScoreResult` -> `SuspectScore`.
- Extract new model `Tag`.
- Rename `TamperingResult` -> `Tampering`.
- Rename `TorResult` -> `Tor`.
- Rename `VelocityResult` -> `Velocity`:
- Rename `VelocityIntervals` -> `VelocityData`.
- Rename `VelocityIntervalResult` -> `VelocityIntervals`.
- Rename `VirtualMachineResult` -> `VirtualMachine`.
- Rename the `Visit` field `ipLocation` type `DeprecatedIPLocation` -> `DeprecatedGeolocation`.
- Instead of `DeprecatedIPLocationCity` use common `GeolocationCity`
- Rename `Response` -> `VisitorsGetResponse`.
- Omit extra inner type `ResponseVisits`
- Rename `VpnResult` -> `VPN`.
- Extract `confidence` type as `VPNConfidence`.
- Extract `methods` type as `VPNMethods`.
- Rename `WebhookVisit` -> `Webhook`.
- Introduce new inner types: `WebhookRootApps`, `WebhookEmulator`, `WebhookIPInfo`, `WebhookIPBlocklist`, `WebhookTor`, `WebhookVPN`, `WebhookProxy`, `WebhookTampering`, `WebhookClonedApp`, `WebhookFactoryReset`, `WebhookJailbroken`, `WebhookFrida`, `WebhookPrivacySettings`, `WebhookVirtualMachine`, `WebhookRawDeviceAttributes`, `WebhookHighActivity`, `WebhookLocationSpoofing`, `WebhookSuspectScore`, `WebhookRemoteControl`, `WebhookVelocity`, `WebhookDeveloperTools`. ([8df1d4a](
- Rename `Webhook` class to `WebhookValidation`.
Right now, `Webhook` class points to the actual data model. ([8710516](
Minor Changes
- Added new `ipEvents`, `distinctIpByLinkedId`, and `distinctVisitorIdByLinkedId` fields to the `velocity` Smart Signal. ([8df1d4a](
- - Make the `GeolocationCity` field `name` **required**.
- Make the `GeolocationSubdivision` field `isoCode` **required**.
- Make the `GeolocationSubdivision` field `name` **required**.
- Make the `IPInfoASN` field `name` **required** .
- Make the `IPInfoDataCenter` field `name` **required**.
- Add **optional** `IdentificationConfidence` field `comment`.
- **events**: Add **optional** `Botd` field `meta`.
- **events**: Add **optional** `Identification` field `components`.
- **events**: Make the `VPN` field `originCountry` **required**.
- **visitors**: Add **optional** `Visit` field `components`.
- **webhook**: Add **optional** `Webhook` field `components`. ([8df1d4a](
- **events**: Add `antiDetectBrowser` detection method to the `tampering` Smart Signal. ([8df1d4a](