Major Changes
- - Remove the `BrowserDetails` field `botProbability`.
- Update the `IdentificationConfidence` field `score` type format: `float` -> `double`.
- Make the `RawDeviceAttributeError` field `name` **optional** .
- Make the `RawDeviceAttributeError` field `message` **optional** .
- **events**: Remove the `EventsResponse` field `error`.
- [note]: The errors are represented by `ErrorResponse` model.
- **events**: Update the `HighActivity` field `dailyRequests` type format: `number` -> `int64`.
- **events**: Specify the `Tampering` field `anomalyScore` type format: `double`.
- **webhook**: Make the `Webhook` fields **optional**: `visitorId`, `visitorFound`, `firstSeenAt`, `lastSeenAt`, `browserDetails`, `incognito`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookClonedApp` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookDeveloperTools` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookEmulator` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookFactoryReset` fields `time` and `timestamp` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookFrida` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Update the `WebhookHighActivity` field `dailyRequests` type format: `number` -> `int64`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookIPBlocklist` fields `result` and `details` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookJailbroken` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookLocationSpoofing` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookPrivacySettings` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookProxy` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookRemoteControl` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookRootApps` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookSuspectScore` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookTampering` fields `result`, `anomalyScore` and `antiDetectBrowser` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Specify the `WebhookTampering` field `anomalyScore` type format: `double`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookTor` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookVelocity` fields **optional**: `distinctIp`, `distinctLinkedId`, `distinctCountry`, `events`, `ipEvents`, `distinctIpByLinkedId`, `distinctVisitorIdByLinkedId`.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookVirtualMachine` field `result` **optional**.
- **webhook**: Make the `WebhookVPN` fields **optional**: `result`, `confidence`, `originTimezone`, `methods`. ([8df1d4a](
- - Rename `BotdResult` -> `Botd`.
- Rename `BotdDetectionResult` -> `BotdBot`:
- Extract `result` type as `BotdBotResult`.
- Rename `ClonedAppResult` -> `ClonedApp`.
- Rename `DeveloperToolsResult` -> `DeveloperTools`.
- Rename `EmulatorResult` -> `Emulator`.
- Refactor error models:
- Remove `ErrorCommon403Response`, `ErrorCommon429Response`, `ErrorEvent404Response`, `TooManyRequestsResponse`, `ErrorVisits403`, `ErrorUpdateEvent400Response`, `ErrorUpdateEvent409Response`, `ErrorVisitor400Response`, `ErrorVisitor404Response`, `IdentificationError`, `ProductError`.
- Introduce `ErrorResponse` and `ErrorPlainResponse`.
- [note]: `ErrorPlainResponse` has a different format `{ "error": string }` and it is used only in `GET /visitors`.
- Extract `error` type as `Error`.
- Extract `error.code` type as `ErrorCode`.
- Rename `EventResponse` -> `EventsGetResponse`.
- Rename `EventUpdateRequest` -> `EventsUpdateRequest`.
- Rename `FactoryResetResult` -> `FactoryReset`.
- Rename `FridaResult` -> `Frida`.
- Rename `IPLocation` -> `Geolocation`:
- Rename `IPLocationCity` -> `GeolocationCity`.
- Extract `subdivisions` type as `GeolocationSubdivisions`.
- Rename `Location` -> `GeolocationContinent`:
- Introduce a dedicated type `GeolocationCountry`.
- Rename `Subdivision` -> `GeolocationSubdivision`.
- Rename `HighActivityResult` -> `HighActivity`.
- Rename `Confidence` -> `IdentificationConfidence`.
- Rename `SeenAt` -> `IdentificationSeenAt`.
- Rename `IncognitoResult` -> `Incognito`.
- Rename `IpBlockListResult` -> `IPBlocklist`:
- Extract `details` type as `IPBlocklistDetails`.
- Rename `IpInfoResult` -> `IPInfo`:
- Rename `IpInfoResultV4` -> `IPInfoV4`.
- Rename `IpInfoResultV6` -> `IPInfoV6`.
- Rename `ASN` -> `IPInfoASN`.
- Rename `DataCenter` -> `IPInfoDataCenter`.
- Rename `JailbrokenResult` -> `Jailbroken`.
- Rename `LocationSpoofingResult` -> `LocationSpoofing`.
- Rename `PrivacySettingsResult` -> `PrivacySettings`.
- Rename `ProductsResponse` -> `Products`:
- Rename inner types: `ProductsResponseIdentification` -> `ProductIdentification`, `ProductsResponseIdentificationData` -> `Identification`, `ProductsResponseBotd` -> `ProductBotd`, `SignalResponseRootApps` -> `ProductRootApps`, `SignalResponseEmulator` -> `ProductEmulator`, `SignalResponseIpInfo` -> `ProductIPInfo`, `SignalResponseIpBlocklist` -> `ProductIPBlocklist`, `SignalResponseTor` -> `ProductTor`, `SignalResponseVpn` -> `ProductVPN`, `SignalResponseProxy` -> `ProductProxy`, `ProxyResult` -> `Proxy`, `SignalResponseIncognito` -> `ProductIncognito`, `SignalResponseTampering` -> `ProductTampering`, `SignalResponseClonedApp` -> `ProductClonedApp`, `SignalResponseFactoryReset` -> `ProductFactoryReset`, `SignalResponseJailbroken` -> `ProductJailbroken`, `SignalResponseFrida` -> `ProductFrida`, `SignalResponsePrivacySettings` -> `ProductPrivacySettings`, `SignalResponseVirtualMachine` -> `ProductVirtualMachine`, `SignalResponseRawDeviceAttributes` -> `ProductRawDeviceAttributes`, `RawDeviceAttributesResultValue` -> `RawDeviceAttributes`, `SignalResponseHighActivity` -> `ProductHighActivity`, `SignalResponseLocationSpoofing` -> `ProductLocationSpoofing`, `SignalResponseSuspectScore` -> `ProductSuspectScore`, `SignalResponseRemoteControl` -> `ProductRemoteControl`, `SignalResponseVelocity` -> `ProductVelocity`, `SignalResponseDeveloperTools` -> `ProductDeveloperTools`.
- Extract `` type as `Identification`.
- Rename `RawDeviceAttributesResult` -> `RawDeviceAttributes`:
- Extract item type as `RawDeviceAttribute`.
- Extract `error` type as `RawDeviceAttributeError`.
- Rename `RemoteControlResult` -> `RemoteControl`.
- Rename `RootAppsResult` -> `RootApps`.
- Rename `SuspectScoreResult` -> `SuspectScore`.
- Extract new model `Tag`.
- Rename `TamperingResult` -> `Tampering`.
- Rename `TorResult` -> `Tor`.
- Rename `VelocityResult` -> `Velocity`:
- Rename `VelocityIntervals` -> `VelocityData`.
- Rename `VelocityIntervalResult` -> `VelocityIntervals`.
- Rename `VirtualMachineResult` -> `VirtualMachine`.
- Rename the `Visit` field `ipLocation` type `DeprecatedIPLocation` -> `DeprecatedGeolocation`.
- Instead of `DeprecatedIPLocationCity` use common `GeolocationCity`
- Rename `Response` -> `VisitorsGetResponse`.
- Omit extra inner type `ResponseVisits`
- Rename `VpnResult` -> `VPN`.
- Extract `confidence` type as `VPNConfidence`.
- Extract `methods` type as `VPNMethods`.
- Rename `WebhookVisit` -> `Webhook`.
- Introduce new inner types: `WebhookRootApps`, `WebhookEmulator`, `WebhookIPInfo`, `WebhookIPBlocklist`, `WebhookTor`, `WebhookVPN`, `WebhookProxy`, `WebhookTampering`, `WebhookClonedApp`, `WebhookFactoryReset`, `WebhookJailbroken`, `WebhookFrida`, `WebhookPrivacySettings`, `WebhookVirtualMachine`, `WebhookRawDeviceAttributes`, `WebhookHighActivity`, `WebhookLocationSpoofing`, `WebhookSuspectScore`, `WebhookRemoteControl`, `WebhookVelocity`, `WebhookDeveloperTools`. ([8df1d4a](
Minor Changes
- Added new `ipEvents`, `distinctIpByLinkedId`, and `distinctVisitorIdByLinkedId` fields to the `velocity` Smart Signal. ([8df1d4a](
- - Make the `GeolocationCity` field `name` **required**.
- Make the `GeolocationSubdivision` field `isoCode` **required**.
- Make the `GeolocationSubdivision` field `name` **required**.
- Make the `IPInfoASN` field `name` **required** .
- Make the `IPInfoDataCenter` field `name` **required**.
- Add **optional** `IdentificationConfidence` field `comment`.
- **events**: Add **optional** `Botd` field `meta`.
- **events**: Add **optional** `Identification` field `components`.
- **events**: Make the `VPN` field `originCountry` **required**.
- **visitors**: Add **optional** `Visit` field `components`.
- **webhook**: Add **optional** `Webhook` field `components`. ([8df1d4a](
- **events**: Add `antiDetectBrowser` detection method to the `tampering` Smart Signal. ([8df1d4a](