* 📕 Extended Changelog entries to include markers indicating focus. `Pull 201
* 🎈 Support for Pytest context managers ``pytest.warns()`` and
``pytest.deprecated_call()``. `Issue 196
<https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-aaa/issues/196>`_, `pull #199
* ⛏️ "Bad" example added for scenario where manager will only be found if it is
in the ``pytest`` namespace. To be compatible with Flake8-AAA tests need to
``import pytest`` and not ``from pytest import raises``. `Pull 199
* ⛏️ CI system (GitHub Actions) adjusted to install pinned requirements from
``ci.txt`` rather than un-pinned / rolling requirements at "action time".
`Pull 197 <https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-aaa/pull/197>`_ . Also:
- Pinned Ubuntu GHA image to ``ubuntu-22.04``
- Fixed ``tox.ini`` config to use ``allowlist_externals``.
* 📕 Documentation for error ``AAA01`` no Act block found in test expanded to
contain problematic code / correct code examples. Progress on `Issue 149
<https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-aaa/issues/149>`_, `pull #201
* 📕 Added missing Python 3.6 compatibility notes missing from ``v0.12.2``
<https://flake8-aaa.readthedocs.io/en/v0.12.2/compatibility.html>`_. `Pull
201 <https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-aaa/pull/201>`_.
* 📕 Supported Python version list updated: remove 3.6 and add 3.10. `Pull 201