* Test examples are intended to be real but simple examples. All examples added
or updated from now on must:
- Go green when run with Pytest.
- Use only standard library imports.
* README rewritten and expanded to be more friendly to readers that are not
aware of the AAA pattern. Template from `The Documentation Compendium
<https://github.com/kylelobo/The-Documentation-Compendium>`_. `#141
* Behaviour of context managers in tests has been changed. Going forwards only
with statements that are used to catch exceptions are considered actions, for
example, ``with pytest.raises(...):``. Otherwise, the with statement is
arrangement or assertion and must be separated from the Act block by a blank
line as usual. `146 <https://github.com/jamescooke/flake8-aaa/issues/146>`_.
Implementing this feature meant changing the line-by-line analysis that
happens on test function bodies.