This release includes:
- A Major Refactor: the creation of an `automl` option to remove unnecessary dependencies for `autogen` and `tune` (thanks to sonichi.)
- A newly added blog post addressing adaptation in HumanEval (thanks to sonichi.)
- A newly added `tutorials` folder containing all the tutorials on FLAML (thanks to qingyun-wu, sonichi, and thinkall.)
- Documentation Improvement and Link Corrections.
- The addition of documentation and a notebook example on interactive LLM agents in FLAML (thanks to qingyun-wu, sonichi, thinkall, and pcdeadeasy.)
- Support more azure openai api_type (thanks to thinkall )
- Suppress warning message of pandas_on_spark to_spark (thanks to thinkall )
- Support shell command and multiple code blocks (thanks to sonichi )
- Improve the system message for assistant agent (thanks to sonichi and gagb )
- Improve utility functions for config lists (thanks to sonichi )
- Reuse docker image in a session (thanks to sonichi and gagb )
A hearty welcome to our new contributor, badjouras, who made their first contribution. Thanks to code reviewers gagb pcdeadeasy
liususan091219 thinkall levscaut sonichi qingyun-wu.
What's Changed
* Blogpost for adaptation in HumanEval by sonichi in
* Improve messaging in documentation by sonichi in
* create an automl option to remove unnecessary dependency for autogen and tune by sonichi in
* docs: 📝 Fix link to installation section in by badjouras in
* doc and test update by sonichi in
* remove redundant doc and add tutorial by qingyun-wu in
* add agent notebook and documentation by qingyun-wu in
* Support more azure openai api_type by thinkall in
* suppress warning message of pandas_on_spark to_spark by thinkall in
* Agent notebook example with human feedback; Support shell command and multiple code blocks; Improve the system message for assistant agent; Improve utility functions for config lists; reuse docker image by sonichi in
New Contributors
* badjouras made their first contribution in
**Full Changelog**: