
Latest version: v2.3.3

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This release contains a number of updates in autogen and automl.

* We added more utilities and documentation improvement to `flaml.oai` such as logging, templating and using multiple configs to make developing and experimentation with OpenAI models more convenient. (thanks to afourney victordibia torronen ekzhu )
* We added an experimental coding agent based on GPT-4. (thanks to BeibinLi qingyun-wu skzhang1 )
* We added options to disable the default mlflow logging in automl. (thanks to garar)
* We make better use of parallelism in auto-scale spark cluster for automl and tune. (thanks to thinkall )

Thanks to royninja luckyklyist Borda qingyun-wu thinkall liususan091219 for other bug fixes, documentation improvement, and engineering improvement. Thanks to victordibia skzhang1 kevin666aa jtongxin levscaut for code reviews.

What's Changed
* version update post release v1.2.2 by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1005
* fixing the typo 990 by royninja in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/994
* fixed sentence misplace 998 by luckyklyist in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1010
* pyproject.toml & switch to Ruff by Borda in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/976
* update readme by qingyun-wu in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1014
* raise content_filter error by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1018
* Fix catboost failure in mac-os python<3.9 by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1020
* coding agent; logging by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1011
* Add mlflow_logging param by garar in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1015
* fix NLP zero division error by liususan091219 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1009
* update max_spark_parallelism to fit in auto-scale spark cluster by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1008
* update spark session in spark tests by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1006
* Mark experimental classes; doc; multi-config trial by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1021

New Contributors
* luckyklyist made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1010
* garar made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1015

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/compare/v1.2.2...v1.2.3


What's Changed
* update nlp notebook by liususan091219 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/940
* Blog post for LLM tuning by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/986
* fix zerodivision by liususan091219 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/1000
* extract code from text; solve_problem; request_timeout in config; improve code by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/999

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/compare/v1.2.1...v1.2.2


What's Changed
* handling nlp divide by zero by liususan091219 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/926
* set black with 120 line length by Borda in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/975
* Post release update by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/985
* fix tests failure caused by version incompatibility by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/995
* Expose feature and label transformer in automl.py by JaneIllario in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/993
* make context optional; improve error handling and doc by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/997

New Contributors
* JaneIllario made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/993

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1


This is a major release with many new features.


* autogen subpackage in preview: text generation optimization, including support for ChatGPT and GPT-4.
* Spark dataframe and SynapseML support in preview.
* Holt-Winters exponential smoothing for time series forecasting.
* Task class abstraction for easier task-specific development.

What's Changed
* precommit: end-of-file-fixer by Borda in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/929
* adding precommit check by Borda in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/930
* Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /website by dependabot in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/913
* adding openai documentation by liususan091219 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/938
* improve max_valid_n and doc by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/933
* Update doc and notebook by skzhang1 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/946
* ChatGPT support by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/942
* Extract task class from automl by markharley in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/857
* fix delete in TransformersEstimator, so to remove the ckpt not found warning in PR 940 by liususan091219 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/950
* Support spark dataframe as input dataset and spark models as estimators by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/934
* gpt-4 support; openai workflow fix; model str; timeout; voting by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/958
* more tolerant time limit for test_overtime by levscaut in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/960
* Adding a test function for OpenAI completion in flaml by qingyun-wu in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/951
* Noctus contribute by AyeshGK in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/961
* add timeout to openai create by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/973
* ci: concurrency by Borda in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/931
* Bump eta from 1.12.3 to 2.0.0 in /website by dependabot in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/941
* Bump webpack from 5.74.0 to 5.76.1 in /website by dependabot in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/952
* Bump sideway/formula from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /website by dependabot in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/963
* Add Holt-Winters exponential smoothing by coffepowered in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/962
* autogen subpackage by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/968

New Contributors
* AyeshGK made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/961

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/compare/v1.1.3...v1.2.0


This version contains multiple updates, including support of Azure OpenAI APIs, user-defined meta features in zero-shot AutoML, and time monitoring for spark jobs. Thanks to all the contributors!

What's Changed
* workflow path->paths by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/915
* azure oai by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/920
* Added extras for synapse by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/916
* Update hf version by liususan091219 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/918
* bump version to 1.1.3; workflow trigger by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/924
* added a documentation about small time budget by Animaholic in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/914
* Fix Dependabot alerts by skzhang1 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/922
* pre-commit: update config by Borda in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/925
* Improve annotations in automl and ml modules by coffepowered in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/919
* Updated dict type args default value to None by thinkall in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/927
* fix 493 by LittleLittleCloud in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/932
* add PySparkOvertimeMonitor to avoid exceeding time budget by levscaut in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/923
* minor change to notebook by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/928

New Contributors
* Borda made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/925
* LittleLittleCloud made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/932
* levscaut made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/923

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/compare/v1.1.2...v1.1.3


* AAAI-23 tutorial: We will be giving a tutorial about FLAML in AAAI-23 on Feb 08, 2023. Please find the tutorial agenda in this [page](https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/tree/tutorial-aaai23/tutorial).
* Latest research to appear at ICLR-23: Our latest research on multiobjective HPO is accepted as one of the **notable-top-5% research papers in ICLR 2023**:
- Please find more details about the method in our paper: [Targeted Hyperparameter Optimization with Lexicographic Preferences Over Multiple Objectives](https://openreview.net/forum?id=0Ij9_q567Ma). Shaokun Zhang, Feiran Jia, Chi Wang, Qingyun Wu. ICLR 2023 (notable-top-5%).
- Please find detailed documentation about this new functionality in this page: https://microsoft.github.io/FLAML/docs/Use-Cases/Tune-User-Defined-Function#lexicographic-objectives.
* OpenAI support is added in this release. A notebook example can be found at: https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/blob/main/notebook/integrate_openai.ipynb

What's Changed
* handle num_samples=-1 by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/879
* Bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 in /website by dependabot in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/877
* fix the doc error of customized metrics in automl by skzhang1 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/883
* Bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.32 to 0.7.33 in /website by dependabot in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/900
* display data head in notebook; exclude None by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/885
* Support percentage tolerance for lexicographic optimization by skzhang1 in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/875
* Document how to use the group k-fold by coffepowered in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/894
* update doc for research papers by qingyun-wu in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/912
* stratified group kfold splitter by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/899
* add cost budget; move loc of make_dir by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/888
* Add bibtex entries for research publications by Animaholic in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/904
* Openai by sonichi in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/905

New Contributors
* coffepowered made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/894
* Animaholic made their first contribution in https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/pull/904

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/microsoft/FLAML/compare/v1.1.1...v1.1.2

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