- New, block template **head_js** on init.html, affects all templates, better js override or add.
- New, base_template parameter on AppBuilder to override the top template, better css and js inclusion.
- Fix, fixed menu brand with image (APP_ICON), better display.
- New, included boostrap-theme THEME.
- Fix, internal API change, BaseIterface/SQLAInterface method get_model_relation new name: get_related_model.
- New, internal QuerySelectField QuerySelectMultipleField based on BaseInterface.
- New, edit_form_query_rel_fields, add_form_query_rel_fields changed, accepts dict instead of list (BREAKING CHANGE).
- Fix, Filter rework datamodel is no longer optional for construct (BREAKING CHANGE).
- Fix, Filter methods no longer require datamodel parameter (BREAKING CHANGE).
- Fix, All SQLAlchemy Filter's moved to flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.filters.
- New, All Filters are accessible from datamodel class, ex: datamodel.FilterEqual
- New, Charts will be database ordered (better performance), and can accept dotted cols on relations.
- Fix, on menus with dividers if next item has no permission, divider was shown.
- New, Bootstrap update to 3.3.1
- New, Select2 update to 3.5.1
- New, support for many to many relations on ModelView related_view.
- New, AppBuilder.add_link supports endpoint names on href parameter, internally will try to use url_for(href).
- Fix, Zero division catch on aggregate average function.
- New, added form validators for field min and max length.
- New, Image size can be configured per column, ImageColumn support size and thumbnail size parameters.