- fix, page was "remenbered" by class, returned empty lists on queries and inline lists.
- New Filters class and BaseFilter with many subclasses. Restructing internals to enable feature.
- New UI for search widget, dynamic filters showing the possibilities from filters. Starts with, greater then, etc...
- New possible filters for dates, greater then, less, equal filters.
- Restructuring of query function, simplified.
- Internal class inherit change: BaseView, BaseModelView, BaseCRUDView, GeneralView.
- Internal class inherit change: BaseView, BaseModelView, BaseChartView, (ChartView|TimeChartView).
- Argument URL filter change "_flt_<index option filter>_<Col name>=<value>"
- New, no need to define search_columns property, if not defined all columns can be added to search.
- New, no need to define list_columns property, if not defined only the first orderable column will be displayed.
- New, no need to define order_columns property, if not defined all ordered columns will be defined.
- fix, class init properties correction
- New property base_filters to always filter the view, accepts functions and values with current filters
- Babel actualization for filters in spanish and portuguese