
Latest version: v0.17.1

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- Official Python 3.7 support (:pr:`45`).
- Rename ``Api.definition`` as ``Api.schema``. Keep ``Api.definition`` as an
alias to ``Api.schema`` for backward compatibility (:pr:`53`).

Bug fixes:

- Fix passing route with path parameter default value (:pr:`58`).
Thanks :user:`zedrdave` for reporting.
- When no descrition is provided to ``Blueprint.response``, don't add an empty
string as description in the docs.
- Fix returning a ``tuple`` subclass from a view function. Only raw ``tuple``
instances are considered as Flask's (return value, status, headers).
``tuple`` subclasses are treated as ``list`` and can be paginated/dumped.
Raw ``tuple`` return values should be cast to another type (e.g. ``list``)
to be distinguished from (return value, status, headers) tuple. (:issue:`52`)
Thanks :user:`asyncee` for reporting.




- Allow view functions decorated with ``response`` to return a ``Response``
object or a tuple with status and/or headers (:pr:`40`).
- Allow view functions decorated with ``paginate`` to return a tuple with
status and/or headers (:pr:`40`). The pagination header is now passed
in the response tuple. Users relying on undocumented
``get_context()['headers']`` as a workaround to pass headers must update
their code to pass headers in the response tuple as well.

Bug fixes:

- Fix ETag computation when headers contain a duplicate key.




- Register Werkzeug's ``UUIDConverter`` in ``Api`` so that ``uuid`` path
parameters are correctly documented.




- Add ``flask_plugin`` and ``marshmallow_plugin`` spec kwargs to allow
overriding base plugins.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Rename ``plugins`` spec kwarg into
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Don't default to OpenAPI version 2.0. The version
must now be specified, either as ``OPENAPI_VERSION`` app parameter or as
``openapi_version`` spec kwarg.
- Support apispec 1.0.0.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Drop support for apispec 0.x.




- *Backwards-incompatible*: ``Api.register_converter`` doesn't register
converter in Flask app anymore. It should be registered manually using
``app.url_map.converters['converter_name'] = Converter``.
- ``Api.definition``, ``Api.register_field`` and ``Api.register_converter`` can
be called before app initialization. The information is buffered and passed
to the internal ``APISpec`` object when it is created, in ``Api.init_app``.



Bug fixes:

- Fix typo in ``ErrorHandlerMixin._prepare_error_response_content``.

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