
Latest version: v0.17.1

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- ReDoc: Use unpkg CDN for 2.x version.




- *Backwards-incompatible*: In ``Blueprint.route``, the endpoint name defaults to the function name with the case unchanged. Before this change, the name was lowercased.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Pagination is now managed by dedicated ``Blueprint.paginate`` decorator.
- Add ``etag.INCLUDE_HEADERS`` to specify which headers to use for ETag computation (defaults to ``['X-Pagination']``).
- In ``verify_check_etag``, endpoint name is added to the warning message.



Bug fixes:

- Pagination: don't crash if ``item_count`` is not set, just log a warning and set no pagination header.
- API spec: Fix leading/trailing slash issues in api-docs Blueprint. Fixes compatibility with Flask 1.0.




- Allow multiple calls to ``Blueprint.arguments`` on a view function.
- Enforce order of fields in ``PaginationParametersSchema`` and ``PaginationMetadataSchema``.
- Minor improvements in test_examples.py.




- *Backwards-incompatible*: The case of a parameter both in URL and in arguments Schema is now unsupported.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: By default, Schema parameter passed in ``Blueprint.arguments`` is documented as `required`.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: ``APISpec.register_field`` now uses apispec API. It must be passed a ``(type, format)`` couple or an already registered ``Field`` class (this includes base marshmallow ``Fields``. When using ``(type, format)``, ``format`` doesn't default to ``None`` anymore.
- Preserve order when serving the spec file:
- Fields are printed in declaration order if Schema.Meta.ordered is True
- Methods in a method view are printed in this order: ['OPTIONS', 'HEAD', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
- Paths are added in declaration order

Bug fixes:

- Document response as array when using paginate_with.




- Add leading and trailing ``/`` to OPENAPI_URL_PREFIX if missing.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Change default URL path for OpenAPI JSON to ``'openapi.json'``.

Bug fixes:

- Fix OpenAPI docs URL paths.
- *Backwards-incompatible*: ``Blueprint.route(self, rule, **options)`` matches ``flask``'s ``Blueprint`` signature.

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