
Latest version: v0.4.0

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* Reinstated the `requirements` key in method docs, which had erroneously dropped off in the rewrite.


* Rewrote approach to documentation functions. Expanded the MetaDoc class, added a MethodDoc class. This enables a standardized scaffolding for all the documentation functions, and all meta documentation creation is performed by these classes.


* Added an ability to document the internal processes that can shape the inputs and data records. To simplify the process a utility class, `MetaDoc`, has been added to `utils.py` to provide a scaffolding to hold the documentation. Adding a meta doc class to a model resource enables documentation for the `process_{method}_input` functions as well as the before/after commit functions. Finally, since control via these functions can affect the resource responses, there is an `exclude` flag in the MetaDoc class. Adding a method to exclude will mean that meta information would rely on your description regarding whichever function causes the resource to end in non-traditional manner.

* The example `post_only_resource` has been modified to include custom documentation from an after_commit function as well as out for meta information for this resource.


* More work on query inputs in meta info. Removed extraneous properties from queries. Now it includes only type, format, maxLength, properties needed to understand the kind of data for filtering queries.


* Changed key `query_string` to `queryString` in meta info to be more consistent with JavaScript standards for its intended use.


+ Changed meta information `url_part` to simply `url`.
* Changed flag for creating a url for meta information for a collection. It previously uses issubclass to identify a collection model resource. However, that fails when using the `generator.create_resource` function due to a reduced mro stack. It now keys off the `is_collection` function.
* Changed meta information keys to better conform to JavaScript standards, since it is more likely to be used in that environment. `url_prefix` -> `urlPrefix`, etc.

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