
Latest version: v0.4.0

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* Add filtering for meta information. Meta information is very thorough. If the point of the meta information is to be able
to look up a section to see what happens in that spot, then being to filter the meta info cuts down significantly on the volume.


The above returns the contents of the get method along with
details of the underlying table.


The request below returns just the inputs available for post.



This version breaks previous before / after commmit functions in ModelResource. By requiring a status flag as output from the functions it opens resources to be more easily used beyond simply REST functions.

* Added a create_resource function that can create resources constrained to a limited HTTP method. Coupled with the refactored functions that can run after posting, a resource can be used for RPC-like features for when the REST is not a good fit.

* Removed a redundant line in `DBBase._include_dbbase`.
* Refactored before/after commit functions in ModelResource. Just as the `process_{method}_input` functions return a status with the payload, these functions now return a status as well as a payload. Prior to this change, the assumption of the process was that there may be changes to a database item, or a database item would be replaced with another, but once an adjustment takes place it all goes to an inevitable conclusion of returning SOME item and a status codde. By adding this, a greater range of functionality with the ModelResource is available, including returning simply a message and a status code. In such a case, a ModelResource could use the serialization / validation services, but essentially act as an RPC if need be.


* Corrected and simplified the selection of primary keys in `DBBaseResource.get_key_names`.


* Ensured that response fields for meta information were in camel case format. Table property fields remain in snake case to be consistent for usage within Python.


* Modified setup and requirements.txt files for additional required packages.


* Corrected issue with the response meta docs which did not correctly pull modified serial lists from Model configuration.

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