
Latest version: v3.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

Released January 6th 2013

- Fix bug in forms with `csrf_enabled` parameter not accounting attempts to login using JSON data


Not secure

Released December 23rd 2012

- Change dependency requirement


Not secure

Released December 11th 2012

- Fix a small bug in `flask_security.utils.login_user` method


Not secure

Released November 26th 2012

- Fixed bug with `next` form variable
- Added better documentation regarding Flask-Mail configuration
- Added ability to configure email subjects


Not secure

Released October 11th 2012

- Major release. Upgrading from previous versions will require a bit of work to
accomodate API changes. See documentation for a list of new features and for
help on how to upgrade.


Not secure

Released June 12th 2012

- Fixed a bug in the RoleMixin eq/ne functions

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