
Latest version: v5.5.2

Safety actively analyzes 666181 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

Released August 1st 2013

- Fixed bug with case sensitivity of email address during login
- Code cleanup regarding token_callback
- Ignore validation errors in find_user function for MongoEngineUserDatastore


Not secure

Released July 11th 2013

- Made password length form error message configurable
- Fixed email confirmation bug that prevented logged in users from confirming their email


Not secure

Released June 28th 2013

- Fixed dependency versions


Not secure

Released June 20th 2013

- Fixed bug in `flask.ext.security.confirmable.generate_confirmation_link`


Not secure

Released June 18th 2013

- Added `SECURITY_DEFAULT_REMEMBER_ME` configuration value to unify behavior between endpoints
- Fixed Flask-Login dependency problem
- Added optional `next` parameter to registration endpoint, similar to that of login


Not secure

Released May 8th 2013

- Fixed bug in regards to imports with latest version of MongoEngine

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