
Latest version: v3.1.1

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Released 2017-02-27, codename Dubnium

- Minimum SQLAlchemy version is 0.8 due to use of ``sqlalchemy.inspect``.
- Added support for custom ``query_class`` and ``model_class`` as args to the
``SQLAlchemy`` constructor. :pr:`328`
- Allow listening to SQLAlchemy events on ``db.session``. :pr:`364`
- Allow ``__bind_key__`` on abstract models. :pr:`373`
- Allow ``SQLALCHEMY_ECHO`` to be a string. :issue:`409`
- Warn when ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI`` is not set. :pr:`443`
- Don't let pagination generate invalid page numbers. :issue:`460`
- Drop support of Flask < 0.10. This means the db session is always tied to the app
context and its teardown event. :issue:`461`
- Tablename generation logic no longer accesses class properties unless they are
``declared_attr``. :issue:`467`



Released 2015-10-23, codename Caesium

- Table names are automatically generated in more cases, including subclassing mixins
and abstract models.
- Allow using a custom MetaData object.
- Add support for binds parameter to session.



Released 2014-08-29, codename Bohrium

- Changed how the builtin signals are subscribed to skip non-Flask-SQLAlchemy
sessions. This will also fix the attribute error about model changes not existing.
- Added a way to control how signals for model modifications are tracked.
- Made the ``SignallingSession`` a public interface and added a hook for customizing
session creation.
- If the ``bind`` parameter is given to the signalling session it will no longer cause
an error that a parameter is given twice.
- Added working table reflection support.
- Enabled autoflush by default.
- Consider ``SQLALCHEMY_COMMIT_ON_TEARDOWN`` harmful and remove from docs.



Released 2013-07-20, codename Aurum

- Added Python 3.3 support.
- Dropped Python 2.5 compatibility.
- Various bugfixes.
- Changed versioning format to do major releases for each update now.



- New distribution format (flask_sqlalchemy).
- Added support for Flask 0.9 specifics.



- Added session support for multiple databases.

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