
Latest version: v3.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Make relative sqlite paths relative to the application root.



- Fixed an issue with Flask-SQLAlchemy not selecting the correct binds.



- Added support for multiple databases.
- Expose ``BaseQuery`` as ``db.Query``.
- Set default ``query_class`` for ``db.relation``, ``db.relationship``, and
``db.dynamic_loader`` to ``BaseQuery``.
- Improved compatibility with Flask 0.7.



- Fixed a bug introduced in 0.10 with alternative table constructors.



- Added support for signals.
- Table names are now automatically set from the class name unless overridden.
- ``Model.query`` now always works for applications directly passed to the
``SQLAlchemy`` constructor. Furthermore the property now raises a ``RuntimeError``
instead of being ``None``.
- Added session options to constructor.
- Fixed a broken ``__repr__``.
- ``db.Table`` is now a factory function that creates table objects. This makes it
possible to omit the metadata.



- Applied changes to pass the Flask extension approval process.

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