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Released on December 12, 2014.

- add MIT `LICENSE` file as requested.
- tests refines with tox and pytest fixtures.
- support for a mostly cythonized version of framed transport, via `66`_.
- bugfix for unix socket param in rpc.
- bugfix for receiving 0-length strings & framed transport, via `63`_.
- bugfix for json protocol unicode decode error, via `65`_.
- bugfix for operator `__ne__` implementation error, via `68`_.

.. _`66`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/66
.. _`63`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/63
.. _`65`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/65
.. _`68`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/68



Released on November 8, 2014.

- support for python2.6.
- support for testing by tox.
- support for oneway keyword, via `49`_.
- bugfix for wrong type args, via `48`_.
- bugfix for thrift file include keyword, via `53`_.
- bugfix for skip method not found in protocol, via `55`_.
- bugfix for set type support, via `59`_.
- bugfix for 'api' arg name collision in client.

.. _`48`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/48
.. _`49`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/49
.. _`53`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/53
.. _`55`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/55
.. _`59`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/59



Released on September 24, 2014.

- bugfix for TPayload not able to be hashed in py3, via `44`_.
- bugfix for cython buffered transport read issue, via `46`_.

.. _`44`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/44
.. _`46`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/46



Released on September 18, 2014.

- bugfix for lack of `skip` func in cython binary protocol, via `43`_.

.. _`43`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/43



Released on September 16, 2014.

- bugfix for init func generator for TStruct.
- bugfix for set constants in parser, via `39`_.
- add support for "includes" and service "extends", via `37`_.
- add close() to servers, via `38`_.
- implement non-strict mode for binary protocol, via `40`_.
- removed cython ext in pypy, and add pypy3 support.
- some args updates:
* add `trans_factory` arg to `make_server`
* rename `rbuf_size` in buffered transport to `buf_size`.
* rename `isOpen` to `is_open`, `readFrame` to `read_frame`.

.. _`37`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/37
.. _`38`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/38
.. _`39`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/39
.. _`40`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/40



Released on September 4, 2014.

- bugfix for memory free in cython buffered transport, via `35`_.
- new thrift parser by PLY, removed cache since the performance is much more
faster now, via `36`_.

.. _`35`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/35
.. _`36`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/36

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