Released on August 14, 2014.
- json protocol, via `21`_.
- more standard module for loaded sdk, now generated TPayload objects can
be pickled when module_name provided, via `22`_.
- gunicorn_thrift integration pingpong example, via `24`_.
- token cache now only checks python's major and minor version.
- bugfix for exception handling in void api in RPC request.
- bugfix for negative number value not recognized.
- bugfix for cybin protocol to allow None value in struct.
- bugfix for double free or corruption in cybin protocol, via `26`_.
.. _`21`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/21
.. _`22`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/22
.. _`24`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/24
.. _`26`: https://github.com/eleme/thriftpy/pull/26