
Latest version: v0.9.0

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- New checkpoints will be saved using Orbax! Please check out [upgrade guide](https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/orbax_upgrade_guide.html) and consider migrating completely to the Orbax API.
- You could `flax.config.update('flax_use_orbax_checkpointing', False)` to temporarily disable this migration, but note that Flax legacy checkpointing will be removed 3 months from Mar 10, 2023.
- Migrating `FrozenDict` to regular dict: utility functions now work on both.
- Migrated Flax dataclass and `FrozenDict` to JAX pytree keypath API.
- Fixed pytype and improved typing for `Module`
- Fixed up uses of PyTree and PyTreeDef types.


- 0.6.5 was yanked so this release contains all that was in 0.6.5 as well.
- Migrated regular dict to FrozenDict, currently controlled by a flag.
- Refactored and separate out name relaxation policy changes.
- Added RMS normalization layer.


- Added logical partitioning helpers for using pjit with Flax.
- Add ``Module.lazy_init`` to avoid compute during Module initialization.


New features:
- Our [ReadTheDoc](https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) site is a lot more organized now! More improvements on the way.
- Flax auto-SPMD parallelism API to work seamlessly with `jax.pjit`: https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/flax_on_pjit.html
- Added new `zeros_init` and `ones_init` initializers.
- Adds standardize initializer.
- Allowed specifying method as a string.
- Allowed runtime overwrite of `flax.config` flags.

Bug fixes:
- Added missing `dataclass.fields` from `__repr__`.
- Renamed ConvLSTM to ConvLSTMCell.
- Fix some tiny inconsistencies between scope.py and module.py.
- Improved many many docstrings, comments and error messages.


New features:
- Flax checkpointing now uses [Orbax](https://github.com/google/orbax) for more flexiblity and features.
- Added support for python 3.10 and removed support for 3.7.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed rng generation in DenseGeneral init.
- Improved support for Mac M1 chip.
- Bumped package versions for a bunch of examples.
- Improved many docstrings and error messages.


New features:
- Add rng_collection argument to Dropout.
- Fix flax.linen.stochastic.Dropout.
- Add flag allow_partial_mpa_restoration in checkpointing.
- Use `gfile.remove` for files because it doesn't work on GCS files.
- Added guides for: Flax the Sharp Bits, Checkpointing, Extracting Gradients
- Improved existed documentation pages.
- Improved errors, error messages and tests.
- Removed codebase's trailing whitespaces.

Bug fixes:
- Fixes launch_gce.sh with imagenet example.
- Properly report AttributeErrors from descriptors.
- Fixes usages of `pmap`.
- Return None if no _parent_ref is set.
- Cap dynamic scale to float32 max.
- no-op when double wrapping with struct.dataclass.
- Allow variable_with_axes to have empty axes when axes is set to an empty tuple.
- Don't create reference cycles among Modules.

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