
Latest version: v0.8.5

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Possible breaking changes:
- Bug Fix: Disallow modifying attributes in Modules after they are initialized.
- Raise an error when saving a checkpoint which has a smaller step than the
latest checkpoint already saved.
- MultiOptimizer now rejects the case where multiple sub optimizers update the
same parameter.

Other changes:
- Added custom error classes to many Linen errors. See:
- Adds `Module.bind` for binding variables and RNGs to an interactive Module.
- Adds `nn.apply` and `nn.init` for transforming arbitrary functions that take a `linen.Module` as their first argument.
- Add option to overwrite existing checkpoints in `save_checkpoint`.
- Remove JAX omnistaging check for forward compatibility.
- Pathlib compatibility for checkpoint paths.
- `is_leaf` argument in `traverse_util.flatten_dict`



`flax.nn` deprecation message no longer appears if you import flax directly.

NOTE: You must now explicitly import `flax.nn` if you want to use the old
pre-Linen `flax.nn.Module`.



Many improvements to Linen, and the old `flax.nn` is officially deprecated!

Notably, there's a clean API for extracting intermediates from modules
defined using `nn.compact`, a more ergonomic API for using Batch Norm and Dropout in modules
defined using `setup`, support for `MultiOptimizer` with Linen, and multiple safety, performance
and error message improvements.

Possible breaking changes:
- Call setup lazily. See 938 for motivation and more details.
- Linen `Module` instances are now frozen after `setup` has been called.
Previously mutations after setup could be dropped silently. Now the stateless requirement
is enforced by raising a TypeError in `__setattr__` after `setup`.
- Pytrees of dicts and lists are transformed into FrozenDict and tuples during
attribute assignment.
This avoids undetected submodules and inner state.
- Bug Fix `flax.core.apply` and `Module.apply`. Now it returns a tuple
containing the output and a frozen empty
collection when `mutable` is specified as an empty list.
- `broadcast_dims` is now an attribute to `Dropout` instead of a `__call__`
- `use_running_average` and `deterministic` no longer have a default. They
should be passed explicitly
- Bug Fix `Scope.variable` mutability check, before a variable could only be
initialized if the 'params' collection was mutable.

Other Improvements:
- Re-introduced the `lm1b` language modeling example
- Recognizes batch free inputs in pooling layers. (for use with vmap)
- Add Adadelta optimizer
- Fully deprecate all "pre-Linen" `flax.nn` classes and methods.
- Some Module arguments can now be passed either as dataclass attribute or
as argument to `__call__`. See [design note](https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/arguments.html)
- Add `sow` method to `Module` and `capture_intermediates` argument to `Module.apply`.
See [howto](https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howtos/extracting_intermediates.html) for usage patterns.
- Support passing in modules directly as attributes to other modules, and
deal with them correctly both in top-level modules and in submodules.
- Don't require the `variable` argument to `Module.apply` to be a FrozenDict
- Add support for dict/FrozenDict when using `ModelParamTraversal`
As a result `MultiOptimizer` can be used properly with linen modules.
- Added OptimizedLSTM: ~33% faster than the original LSTM when using <=1024 units
- Fix dtype handling for Adam and LAMB optimizers in 64bit mode.
- Added `is_mutable()` method to `Variable` and `is_mutable_collection()` to `flax.linen.Module`.
- Add `axis_name` arg to `flax.linen.vmap`
- Enable broadcast in `flax.linen.scan`
- Fix behavior when inner module classes were defined in another module
- Add automatic giant array chunking in msgpack checkpoints.
- Log info message when a checkpoint is not found in the directory.


Linen is now out of Alpha (flax.nn is being deprecated)!

- `flax.core.apply` and linen `Module.apply` will now only return the variables
collections that were specified as mutable.
- Fixed handling of multiple separate subclasses of a Module.
- We now allow assignment of mixed Module pytrees in setup.
- Refactored collection creation to fail early when modifying an undefined collection as
before an non-existing non-mutable collection would just be silently ignored.
- Added the silu activation function.
- Add offset argument to Adafactor optimizer for fine-tuning schedules.
- Relaxed limit on calling methods on unbound modules.
- Relaxed parameter attribute check
- Added centered version of RMSProp.
- Added GCE getting started kit.
- Renamed -gpu_type to -accelerator_type.
- Fixed bug in MultiOptimizer causing it to throw away empty dictionary

- Made FrozenDict constructor freeze correctly.
- Made freeze a synonym of the FrozenDict constructor
- Optimize freezing FrozenDicts by sharing immutable internal state.
- We simplified __setattr__ handling of trees with Modules.
- Minor improvements in dtype handling, broadcast option for dropout.
- Added a dtype specification to Embed layer, made Adafactor use float32
state consistently, and added a broadcasting option to the Dropout layer.
- Improved frozen dict performance.
- (Massive) docs improvements
- End to end benchmarks added.
- Examples were updated to Linen.


- Added Reinforcement Learning example (examples/ppo).
- Fix Adafactor bug that prevented factorization.
- Fix scan broadcast issue in functional core.
- Fix initialization RNGs to work with omnistaging for jitted inits.
- Replaces usage of 'param' kind to 'params' collection.
- Fix LARS optimizer for zero param initialization.
- Added various examples in Linen API. See [README.md](https://github.com/google/flax/blob/main/flax/linen/README.md) for more information.
- Full JAX omnistaging compatibility.


- Added JAX trace-level checks for transforms.
- BatchNorm added axis_index_groups for control in parallel training.
- Optimizers broken out into separate directory with base class and implementations.
- traverse_util added flatten_dict and unflatten_dict utility methods for nested dicts.

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