
Latest version: v0.22.0

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New features
* Add `asset/<id>/auditlog` to view asset related actions [see `PR 1067 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1067>`_]
* On the `/sensor/id` page, allow to link to it with a date range and to copy current view as URL [see `PR 1094 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1094>`_]
* Flex-context (price sensors and inflexible device sensors) can now be set on the asset page (and are part of GenericAsset model) [see `PR 1059 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1059/>`_]
* On the asset page's default view, facilitate comparison by showing the two default sensors together if they record the same unit [see `PR 1066 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1066>`_]
* Add flex-context sensors to status page [see `PR 1102 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1102>`_]
* Show tooltips on (mobile) touch screen [see `PR 1062 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1062>`_]

Infrastructure / Support
* Add MailHog to docker-compose stack for testing email functionality [see `PR 1112 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1112>`_]
* Allow installing dependencies in docker-compose worker [see `PR 1057 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1057/>`_]
* Add unit conversion to the input and output data of the ``PandasReporter`` [see `PR 1044 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1044/>`_]
* Add option ``droplevels`` to the ``PandasReporter`` to drop all the levels except the ``event_start`` and ``event_value`` [see `PR 1043 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1043/>`_]
* ``PandasReporter`` accepts the parameter ``use_latest_version_only`` to filter input data [see `PR 1045 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1045/>`_]
* ``flexmeasures show beliefs`` uses the entity path (`<Account>/../<Sensor>`) in case of duplicated sensors [see `PR 1026 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1026/>`_]
* Add ``--resolution`` option to ``flexmeasures show chart`` to produce charts in different time resolutions [see `PR 1007 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1007/>`_]
* Add ``FLEXMEASURES_JSON_COMPACT`` config setting and deprecate ``JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR`` setting [see `PR 1090 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1090/>`_]

* Fix ordering of jobs on the asset status page [see `PR 1106 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1106>`_]
* Relax max staleness for status page using 2 * event_resolution as default instead of immediate staleness [see `PR 1108 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1108>`_]



.. note:: Read more on these features on `the FlexMeasures blog <https://flexmeasures.io/021-service-better-status-and-audit/>`_.

.. warning:: Upgrading to this version requires running ``flexmeasures db upgrade`` (you can create a backup first with ``flexmeasures db-ops dump``).

New features
* Add `asset/<id>/status` page to view asset statuses [see `PR 941 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/941>`_ and `PR #1035 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1035>`_]
* Add `account/<id>/auditlog` and `user/<id>/auditlog` to view user and account related actions [see `PR 1042 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1042>`_]
* Support ``start_date`` and ``end_date`` query parameters for the asset page [see `PR 1030 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1030>`_]
* In plots, add the asset name to the title of the tooltip to improve the identification of the lines [see `PR 1054 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1054>`_]
* On asset page, show sensor IDs in sensor table [see `PR 1053 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1053>`_]

* Prevent the time window in the UI from moving to the latest data when refreshing the asset page [see `PR 1046 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1046>`_ and `PR #1056 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1056>`_]

Infrastructure / Support
* Include started, deferred and scheduled jobs in the overview printed by the CLI command ``flexmeasures jobs show-queues`` [see `PR 1036 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1036>`_]
* Make it as convenient to clear deferred or scheduled jobs from a queue as it was to clear failed jobs from a queue [see `PR 1037 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1037>`_]



* Prevent **p**\ lay/**p**\ ause/**s**\ top of replays when editing a text field in the UI [see `PR 1024 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1024>`_]
* Skip unit conversion of :abbr:`SoC (state of charge)` related fields that are defined as sensors in a ``flex-model`` (specifically, ``soc-maxima``, ``soc-minima`` and ``soc-targets`` [see `PR 1047 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1047>`_]



.. note:: Read more on these features on `the FlexMeasures blog <https://flexmeasures.io/020-faster-data-reads/>`__.

.. warning:: From this version on, the config setting ``FLEXMEASURES_FORCE_HTTPS`` decides whether to enforce HTTPS on requests - and it defaults to ``False``. Previously, this was governed by ``FLASK_ENV`` or ``FLEXMEASURES_ENV`` being set to something else than ``"documentation"`` or ``"development"``. This new way is more clear, but you might be in need of using this setting before upgrading.

New features
* Add command ``flexmeasures edit transfer-ownership`` to transfer the ownership of an asset and its children from one account to another [see `PR 983 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/983>`_]
* Support defining the ``site-power-capacity``, ``site-consumption-capacity`` and ``site-production-capacity`` as a sensor in the API and CLI [see `PR 985 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/985>`_]
* Support defining the ``soc-minima``, ``soc-maxima`` and ``soc-targets`` as sensors in the API [see `PR 996 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/996>`_]
* Support defining inflexible power sensors with arbitrary power and energy units [see `PR 1007 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1007>`_]
* Support saving beliefs with a ``belief_horizon`` in the ``PandasReporter`` [see `PR 1013 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1013>`_]
* Skip the check of the output event resolution in any ``Reporter`` with the field ``check_output_resolution`` [see `PR 1009 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1009>`_]

* Use minimum event resolution of the input (instead of the output) sensors for the belief search parameters [see `PR 1010 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1010>`_]

Infrastructure / Support
* Align map layers with custom asset types in the UI's dashboard, also facilitating capturing asset types defined within FlexMeasures plugins [see `PR 1017 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1017>`_]
* Improve processing time for deleting beliefs via CLI [see `PR 1005 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1005>`_]
* Support deleting beliefs via CLI for all offspring assets at once [see `PR 1003 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1003>`_]
* Add setting ``FLEXMEASURES_FORCE_HTTPS`` to explicitly toggle if HTTPS should be used for all requests [see `PR 1008 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1008>`_]
* Make flexmeasures installable locally on macOS [see `PR 1000 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1000>`_]
* Align API endpoint policy w.r.t. trailing slash [see `PR 1014 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/1014>`_]



.. note:: Optionally, run ``flexmeasures db upgrade`` after upgrading to this version for enhanced database performance on time series queries.

* Upgrade timely-beliefs to enhance our main time series query and fix a database index on time series data, leading to significantly better performance [see `PR 992 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/992>`_]
* Fix server error on loading the asset page for a public asset, due to a bug in the breadcrumb's sibling navigation [see `PR 991 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/991>`_]
* Restore compatibility with the `flexmeasures-openweathermap plugin <https://github.com/SeitaBV/flexmeasures-openweathermap>`_ by fixing the query for the closest weather sensor to a given asset [see `PR #997 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/997>`_]



* Support defining the ``power-capacity`` as a sensor in the API and CLI [see `PR 987 <https://github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/987>`_]

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