
Latest version: v0.23.0

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Not secure

* Fix scheduling with imperfect efficiencies, which resulted in exceeding the device's lower :abbr:`SoC (state of charge)` limit [see `PR 520 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/520>`_]
* Fix scheduler for Charge Points when taking into account inflexible devices [see `PR 517 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/517>`_]
* Prevent rounding asset lat/long positions to 4 decimal places when editing an asset in the UI [see `PR 522 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/522>`_]


Not secure

* Fix regression for sensors recording non-instantaneous values [see `PR 498 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/498>`_]
* Fix broken auth check for creating assets with CLI [see `PR 497 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/497>`_]


Not secure

* Do not fail asset page if none of the sensors has any data [see `PR 493 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/493>`_]
* Do not fail asset page if one of the shown sensors records instantaneous values [see `PR 491 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/491>`_]


Not secure

New features
* The asset page now shows the most relevant sensor data for the asset [see `PR 449 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/449>`_]
* Individual sensor charts show available annotations [see `PR 428 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/428>`_]
* New API options to further customize the optimization context for scheduling, including the ability to use different prices for consumption and production (feed-in) [see `PR 451 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/451>`_]
* Admins can group assets by account on dashboard & assets page [see `PR 461 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/461>`_]
* Collapsible side-panel (hover/swipe) used for date selection on sensor charts, and various styling improvements [see `PR 447 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/447>`_ and `PR #448 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/448>`_]
* Add CLI command ``flexmeasures jobs show-queues`` [see `PR 455 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/455>`_]
* Switched from 12-hour AM/PM to 24-hour clock notation for time series chart axis labels [see `PR 446 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/446>`_]
* Get data in a given resolution [see `PR 458 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/458>`_]

.. note:: Read more on these features on `the FlexMeasures blog <https://flexmeasures.io/011-better-data-views/>`__.

* Do not fail asset page if entity addresses cannot be built [see `PR 457 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/457>`_]
* Asynchronous reloading of a chart's dataset relies on that chart already having been embedded [see `PR 472 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/472>`_]
* Time scale axes in sensor data charts now match the requested date range, rather than stopping at the edge of the available data [see `PR 449 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/449>`_]
* The docker-based tutorial now works with UI on all platforms (port 5000 did not expose on MacOS) [see `PR 465 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/465>`_]
* Fix interpretation of scheduling results in toy tutorial [see `PR 466 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/466>`_ and `PR #475 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/475>`_]
* Avoid formatting ``datetime.timedelta`` durations as nominal ISO durations [see `PR 459 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/459>`_]
* Account admins cannot add assets to other accounts any more; and they are shown a button for asset creation in UI [see `PR 488 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/488>`_]

Infrastructure / Support
* Docker compose stack now with Redis worker queue [see `PR 455 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/455>`_]
* Allow access tokens to be passed as env vars as well [see `PR 443 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/443>`_]
* Queue workers can get initialised without a custom name and name collisions are handled [see `PR 455 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/455>`_]
* New API endpoint to get public assets [see `PR 461 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/461>`_]
* Allow editing an asset's JSON attributes through the UI [see `PR 474 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/474>`_]
* Allow a custom message when monitoring latest run of tasks [see `PR 489 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/489>`_]


Not secure

* Fix some UI styling regressions in e.g. color contrast and hover effects [see `PR 441 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/441>`_]


Not secure

New features
* New design for FlexMeasures' UI back office [see `PR 425 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/425>`_]
* Improve legibility of chart axes [see `PR 413 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/413>`_]
* API provides health readiness check at /api/v3_0/health/ready [see `PR 416 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/416>`_]

.. note:: Read more on these features on `the FlexMeasures blog <https://flexmeasures.io/010-docker-styling/>`__.

* Fix small problems in support for the admin-reader role & role-based authorization [see `PR 422 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/422>`_]

Infrastructure / Support
* Dockerfile to run FlexMeasures in container; also docker-compose file [see `PR 416 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/416>`_]
* Unit conversion prefers shorter units in general [see `PR 415 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/415>`_]
* Shorter CI builds in Github Actions by caching Python environment [see `PR 361 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/361>`_]
* Allow to filter data by source using a tuple instead of a list [see `PR 421 <https://www.github.com/FlexMeasures/flexmeasures/pull/421>`_]

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