
Latest version: v2.5.2

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* Retry "Server disconnected without sending a response" errors from the Flickr API.


* Retry "connection reset by peer" errors from the Flickr API.


* Remove irrelevant information from the traceback shown when the library throws a `UnrecognisedFlickrApiException`.


* Add a new method `get_photo_contexts(photo_id)` which returns information about all the contexts where this photo appears -- albums, galleries, and groups.
* Improve the way error codes from the Flickr API are handled. If you're calling the library, this means you'll get more human-readable error messages. If you're working on the library, you have more flexibility in how error codes are mapped to Python exceptions.
* Fix a bug where getting photos from the photostream of a user who didn't have a `realname` set would throw a `KeyError`.


This adds a new method `list_commons_institutions()` which returns a list of all the institutions in [the Flickr Commons](


Get rid of the `SinglePhotoWithSizes` type and roll back to the `SinglePhoto` type, which maintains better back-compatibility.

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