
Latest version: v2.5.2

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Export the `SinglePhotoInfoWithSizes` type.


This changes the way you specify a user. The following methods now take a `user_id` or `user_url` parameter:

- `get_user()` (replacing `lookup_user_by_id()` and `lookup_user_by_url()`)
- `get_photos_in_album()`
- `get_photos_in_user_photostream()`

This makes things a bit simpler for callers, which can specify a user in either form.


This slightly refines the list of available exceptions:

- The `lookup_user_by_id()` and `lookup_user_by_url()` methods can now throw a new `UserDeleted` exception if you try to look up a Flickr user who's deleted their account.
- An error with an unrecognised code will now throw `UnrecognisedFlickrApiException` instead of `FlickrApiException`.
This should make it easier to distinguish and handle unrecognised errors.


This is a fairly major internal refactor to make the library easier to work on.
The `FlickrPhotosApi` class has been renamed to `FlickrApi` and split up to make it easier to extend with new methods in future.

I've also removed some of the worst over-abstraction, trading code simplicity for slightly less efficiency.


* The `lookup_user_by_url()` function is slightly faster when the URL contains a Flickr user ID rather than a path alias.
The function behaves the same as before, but now it avoids an unnecessary lookup.
* The `get_photos_in_album()` function is slightly faster, because it skips an unnecessary lookup to get the album title.


* More internal refactoring.

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