
Latest version: v2.4.0

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- solved issue with `autenticate_console()` [[ Bug report 58 ]](
- Using POST instead of GET [[ Bug report 59 ]](
- Fix: use req.text for text-based interpretation of HTTP response.



- Lowered dependency versions to those shipped with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Added Python 3.3 to the list of supported versions, rejecting Python <=2.6 and <=3.2.
- Allow non-ascii characters in file names (Jim Easterbrook)



- Major revision; now uses OAuth to interface with
Flickr. Combines work of Sybren A. Stüvel, Jim Easterbrook,
Thai Nguyen, Nick Loadholtes and Bengt.



- Changed default API URL to use HTTPS (Joseph Hui).
- PEP 8 compliance (Luar Roji).
- Replaced Distribute with Setuptools.

Versions 1.4.1 .. 1.4.3: unreleased

- Lots of messy changes to smoothen release procedure.



- Using `auth_callback=False` when authentication
is actually required now raises a `FlickrError`

- The implementation uses `self.flickr_host`
that subclasses can override the API URLs.

- Support for short URLs was added.



- Added functions to easily walk through sets and search
results, querying Flickr no more than needed.
- Uses the hashlib module, falling back to the md5 module
when hashlib is unavailable.
- Added locking token cache, in case a Flickr API key is
used by multiple processes at the same time on the same
machine (or shared filesystem)
- Removed the deprecated `fail_on_error` parameter.
- Implemented the `auth_callback` functionality.

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