
Latest version: v2.4.0

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- First SourceForge based release.
- Added [replace functionality](
- Added compatibility with graphical browsers.
- Added functionality for GUI application authentication.
- A `FlickrError` exception is now thrown when a Flickr API call returns
an error status.
[[ Feature request 1772031 ]](
- Reorganized the package source to a Python package (it was a module).
- Instead of writing to stderr the `logging` module is now used for logging.
- No longer required to pass the API key and the authentication token
to Flickr API calls.
[[ Feature request 1772023 ]](
- Written proper documentation
[[ Feature request 1772026 ]](

Historical versions

Before we moved to SourceForge, there was a simple numbering
scheme from version 1 to 11. Version 11 was our first version in
Subversion, and was tagged as 0.11. From there on, a
*major.minor* numbering scheme is used. This is the
pre-Subversion changelog:

1. initial release
2. added upload functionality
3. code cleanup, convert to doc strings
4. better permission support
5. converted into fuller-featured "flickrapi"
6. fix upload sig bug (thanks Deepak Jois), encode test output
7. fix path construction, Manish Rai Jain's improvements, exceptions
8. change API endpoint to ""
9. change to MIT license
10. fix horrid `\r\n` bug on final boundary
11. break out validateFrob() for subclassing

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