High-level changes
- Improved compatibility with different FCS files.
- Improved ability to handle high-resolution FCS data and floating-point data, and transform this data to MEF.
- Logicle scale implemented. This is the new default for plotting.
Important code changes
Gating and plotting
- `gate.density2d` and all simple plotting functions now include arguments `xscale`, `yscale`, and `zscale` as appropriate, to define the scale of each axis. Valid options are `'linear'`, `'log'`, and `'logicle'`. All these functions default to `logicle`.
- Arguments `log`, `xlog`, `ylog`, and `zlog` in plotting functions are deprecated.
- `FCSData` property `domain` has been deprecated. New function `range` returns, for each specified channel, the lower and upper bounds as specified by the FCS file.
- `FCSData` property `hist_bin_edges` has been deprecated. New function `hist_bins` allows for dynamic generation of histogram bins using either linear, logarithmic, or logicle scaling.
- The transformation function returned by `get_transform_fxn` is now meant to be used with data previously transformed to RFI using `transform.to_rfi()`.
- Functions `clustering_gmm` and `selection_std` now allow for rescaling of the data before performing their operations. The default scaling is `logicle`.
- `fit_beads_autofluorescence` now uses a model that transforms data from RFI to MEF. Previously, the model was meant to be used to transform data in raw channel numbers to MEF, when using a logarithmic amplifier. The new approach allows for transformation of data taken with linear amplifiers as well.