
Latest version: v1.2.2

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New features:
- Template excel file, with explanations of fields.
- `fc` now optionally uses `palettable` for default colors.

Bug fixes:
- If using `pip`, `openpyxl` 2.0.2 is installed instead of using the last version. This fixes some installation problems.

- Small code style changes
- Importing `fc` imports all the submodules by default.


New features:
- Full support for FCS2.0 and 3.0 files.

Bug fixes:
- Changed color of gate in plots to increase contrast.
- Solved bug in acquisition time calculation in windows.


Improvements in the excel input/output script:
- Channels in which statistics and plots can be calculated can now be specified in the input excel spreadsheet.
- Channels in which MEF transformations should be done can now be specified.
- Acquisition time is now reported as one of the statistics.

Other new features:
- Bar plotting functions.
- Fixed ellipse gate.
- Acquisition time reported via .acquisition_time property in the FCSData object.


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