
Latest version: v1.1.2

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New features:
* It's now easier to assign multiple samples to a Session group
* Session.assign_samples can take either a Sample ID or list of Sample IDs
* Session.add_samples now takes an optional group argument for assigning to a group when loading Samples
* New Session method `get_wsp_gated_events` for conveniently getting a list of DFs of compensated & transformed gated events
* More informative error message when reloading the same samples (include file name in error message)
* Transforms now support handling of 1-D data arrays

API changes:
* Session: renamed method `assign_sample` to `assign_samples` now that it supports a list of sample IDs
* Session methods `get_sample_ids()` & `get_group_sample_ids()` now have a `loaded_only` option to only return sample IDs of loaded samples
* Session: method `get_gate` now has a `sample_id` option allowing retrieval of custom sample gates in a sample group's gating strategy

Bug fixes:
* Eliminate Pandas PerformanceWarning when creating GatingResults instances (occurred when getting gate indices)
* Fixed issue where Session.export_wsp fails to export rectangle gates that include transforms
* Fixed issue where Session.get_group_sample_ids() incorrectly reports samples as members when that are not part of that group
* Test data and code are no longer included in packaged

* Showcase exporting to wsp in replicate flowjo example notebook
* More Session methods documented with docstrings
* Cleaned up examples folder so it is easier for users to browse
* New example notebooks for:
* Demonstrating a comparison of clustering methods (Leiden vs Louvain)
* Demonstrating dimension reduction on processed event data

* FlowUtils requirement updated to 0.9.4
* NumPy requirement updated to >=1.19
* Seaborn requirement updated to >=0.11
* Pandas requirement updated to >=1.1


BUGFIX: Fixed case where some transforms fail when given a 1-D numpy array of events (issue 71)


New features:

* Experimental support for exporting FlowJo 10 workspace files (limited to single sample groups)
* Added support for FlowJo 10 biex transform
* Added inverse transform methods for most transformations
* implement `ignore_transforms` option for parsing FJ10 workspaces
* Sample.apply_transform supports customized transforms per channel via dictionary
* Create Sample instances from Pandas DataFrame w/MultiIndex columns
* Sample: store original events unprocessed

API changes:

* Sample: added attributes `scatter_indices` & `time_index`
* Sample: `apply_transform` method now has option to include scatter channels
* GatingStrategy: `get_gate_ids` now returns a list of tuples containing the gate ID & list of ancestors (gate path)
* GatingStrategy: new method `get_root_gates` for ...
* GatingStrategy: simplify GatingStrategy methods for retrieving gates,
* GatingStrategy: added new convenience method get_child_gates
* Session: new method `get_group_comp_matrices`
* Session: all method arguments referencing a sample group name are now consistent ('group_name')
* Session: new method to get all gate IDs & paths for a sample
* Session: new method `get_group_transforms` for retrieving group transformations
* Session: new method `export_wsp` for exporting a sample group's gating strategy as a FlowJo 10 workspace
* Session: new methods for retrieving Sample specific comp matrices & transforms for a group
* Session: new method for retrieving gated events for a Sample
* Compensation utility functions moved to FlowUtils
* make sample utils functions public
* expose calculate_extent function for flowkit-extras

Bug fixes:

* Clearer error message when requesting sub-sampled events from `get_channel_data` when Sample has not been sub-sampled
* Fixed issue where gain was incorrectly applied to time channel data
* Allow re-use of gates on different branches at any level
* Applying re-used gates requires the Gate instance to know the full path
* Fixed plot_scatter for cases where the event arrays are empty
* Session.get_group_samples() now only returns loaded samples


* Added more docstrings for Sample, Session, Transform methods
* Updated tutorial notebooks
* Added notebook for calculating mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) per channel for gated populations


* Support for Python 3.8
* Removed MulticoreTSNE dependency
* Removed sklearn dependency
* Most transform implementations moved to FlowUtils


New features:

* GatingStrategy & Session classes now support re-using gate IDs in different gate hierarchy branches (i.e. having a child gate "IFNg+" under both a "CD4+" and "CD8+" gate)
* Added support for FlowJo 10 ellipsoid gates
* Plotting of gates in Session class now plots only events from the parent gate
* Added plotting of Quadrant gates
* Added bokeh hover tool to scatter plots
* Re-enabled multiprocessing by default for faster processing of gates in a Session
* Updated plot colormap for better contrast with gate boundaries

API changes:

* Major cleanup of public/private modules for cleaner API
* New Quadrant class for cleaner API when creating QuadrantGate instances
* New `wsp_transforms` module containing FlowJo specific Transform sub-classes
* GatingStrategy, Session - added `get_transform` and `get_comp_matrix` methods
* GatingStrategy, Session - added `gate_path` kwarg for ambiguous gates in `get_gate` & `get_gate_indices`
* Session: add `sample_id` option to `analyze_samples` to process a single Sample
* Session: added `ignore_missing_files` option to `import_flowjo_workspace` method for suppressing warnings about missing FCS files when importing a FlowJo WSP file
* Gate class - added `get_dimension` method
* Sample: rename Sample method to `as_dataframe` (consistent with Matrix class), & added options to re-order and rename columns in output DataFrame
* Sample: 'fcs' is no longer the default ID when adding a compensation matrix (it is reserved for the embedded comp matrix from the `spill` metadata value)
* Matrix: `fluorochromes` argument is now optional
* Matrix: new method `as_dataframe` to get comp matrix as a Pandas DataFrame
* Dimension: 'uncompensated' is now the default value when creating Dimension instances

Bug fixes:

* Properly support time channel data when `timestep` keyword is present in FCS metadata
* Fixed display of plotted ellipses (corrected angle)
* Fixed parsing of compensated dimension references in FlowJo WSP files
* Fixed import of CSV compensation files with commented header
* Fixed creation of Sample instances from Pandas DataFrame
* Fixed parsing of FlowJo gate IDs for some WSP variants


* Documentation now on [ReadTheDocs](https://flowkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
* Many more docstrings for classes and methods
* Added contribution guidelines
* New tutorial notebook to demonstrate loading of FlowJo workspaces & programmatically replicating the gating strategy
* New example notebook showing compensation and Matrix class usage


New features:

* Plotting of gates in Session class: limited to polygon, rectangle, range, and ellipse gates.
* Session now supports importing FlowJo workspace files, though support is limited to WSP files with linear, log, logicle transforms, and only polygon & rectangle gates.
* Session class now supports multiple gating strategies via the implementation of "sample groups", similar to how FlowJo works.
* Sample class now allows retrieving events as Pandas DataFrames, with multi-index columns as the PnN and PnS labels

API changes:

* Session: add get methods for sample IDs, sample groups, and gate IDs
* More consistent handling of Matrix class as input to compensation methods
* Expose parse_gating_xml function
* Expose plot_channel function

Bug fixes:

* Handle case where a Sample has no keyword for original filename
* Fix re-subsampling after applying Sample filters
* Ensure correct fluoro order when parsing a comp matrix from a CSV file


API changes:

* New Session method for adding samples after a Session instance has been created

Bug Fixes:

* Sample export failed to create file

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