
Latest version: v1.1.2

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New features:

* Programmatically add gates, transforms, and compensation matrices to a GatingStrategy
* Export a GatingML 2.0 compliant document from a GatingStrategy

API improvements:

* Gate sub-classes no longer require a GatingStrategy in their constructor, allowing re-use of instantiated gates
* New convenience methods in the Session class for getting parent gates and creating gates, transforms, and comp matrices
* Better x & y axis labels in scatter plot (includes marker names, if available)

Bug fixes:

* Fixed bug in GatingStrategy method get_gate_by_reference where an existing QuadrantGate could not be found
* Fixed bug in parsing spillover matrix from a $SPILL keyword value of an FCS file


Multiple API changes, significant performance improvements, and bug fixes for Windows.

* New GatingResults class for reporting gating statistics
* Significant performance improvements in calculating gated events
* Support for multi-processing for evaluating gates
* New C-extension for calculating events in PolygonGates
* Cleaner API for user interaction
* New Session class for combining multiple Samples with a GatingStrategy
* tSNE support for multiple Samples in a Session
* Automatic generation of a compensation matrix from a set of bead files
* Simplified API for exporting Sample events
* Multiple bug fixes for Windows


Now fully compliant with the GatingML 2.0 specification.

* Full support for GatingML Quadrant gate
* Now supports Ellipsoid gates of any dimension (not just simple 2-D ellipses)
* Sample class now takes any Transform sub-class, consistent with GatingStrategy transforms
* A new fancy logo!
* BUGFIX: fixed issue where the HyperlogTransform would fail on 2-D arrays


1st release of FlowKit for flow cytometry analysis and visualization, featuring GatingML 2.0 support and support for reading and exporting FCS data

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