
Latest version: v0.9.4

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Make `path` argument for `copy_files` less restrictive (\96)


* Fix issue with `S3Volume.walk` return value (\95)


* Reset hard-coded workflow repository URL to point to the master branch.


* Add option to resolve references to external files when reading Yaml files.
* Support inclusion and import of files in instructions markdown text.


* Make `BucketStore` generic for storing workflow files in different types of cloud storage buckets (\80).
* Add Google Cloud File Storage bucket implementation (\80).
* Support different storage volumes for different types of workers.
* Add support for workflow steps that are implemented as Jupyter Notebooks (\79).
* Include flowapp to run workflow templates using streamlit GUI.


* Fix issue when creating database object on Windows.
* Fix issue with schema validator on Windows.
* Fix issue with bucket store unit tests on Windows.
* Fix unit test issues for Windows.
* Fix issue with subprocess worker on Windows.

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