
Latest version: v0.9.4

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fix bug in created_at timestamp for workflow runs.
* Command-line interface to register new users.


* Use SQLAlchemy as ORM for the database model.
* Run workflow templates from command-line for test purposes.
* Add methods for running and testing workflows in Python scripts (or Jupyter Notebooks).
* Include support and a command line interface for single-workflow applications.
* Install workflow templates from global repository.


* Read template metadata from project description file when adding a workflow template to the repository.
* Create default names for templates with missing or non-unique names.
* Include Short cuts to default repositories when creating workflow templates using the command-line interface.


* Add generic controller for remote workflow engines.


* Initial Version (from rob-core).

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