
Latest version: v1.0.0

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- Fixed bug related to now deprecated automatic adhesion control
- Modified ball placement in the tethered environment


- Changed default joint kp and adhesion force to those used in the controller comparison task
- Fixed bug in the dimension of the contact force array when correcting contact forces for adhesion forces
- Fixed bug in the definition of the action space when adhesion is enabled
- Add tutorial on CPG controllers
- Fixed errors in installation instruction

See 77


- Rename NeuroMechFlyMuJoCo->NeuroMechFly, MuJoCoParameters->Parameters
- Update website, doc structure etc


We have restructured the package and updated the API references. New users should use this version.


The version used for the 2023 offering of BIOENG-456 Controlling Behavior in Animals and Robots at EPFL. See [course wiki](

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