
Latest version: v0.17.0

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Bug fixes

- Fix TimeSliderChoropleth plugin broken setStyle (khllkcm 1227)
- Fix HeatMapWithTime plugin (farisnanosoft conengmo 1228)
- Fix adding GeoJSON to MarkerCluster (conengmo 1190)


- Typo corrections in examples/Colormaps.ipynb (nik-ahuja 1215)



- Bump Leaflet version from 1.4.0 to 1.5.1 (ocefpaf 1149)
- Choropleth: warn if `key_on` not found in data (evwhiz 1144)

Bug fixes

- Fix layer control in DualMap plugin (conengmo 1156)
- Fix typo in DivIcon options (fullonic 1181)
- Fix JS error in Draw plugin export option (fullonic 1180)
- Fix typo in color options in Icon (adnanhemani 1171)
- Fix draw and edit options in Draw plugin (mccarthyryanc 1175)
- Remove warnings about conflicts with Draw plugin (fullonic 1184)
- More explicit `key_on` check in Choropleth (leandroordonez 1169)


- Add Flask example (penguindustin 1140)
- Improve contribution guide (leonardofurtado 1173)



Bug fixes

- Fix geojson identifier (conengmo 1155)



This version drops support for Python 2.7. (1100, 1104, 1111)
Python 3.5+ is required.

- Geojson separate style mapping (conengmo 1058)
- Warn for wrong color values in Icon (conengmo 1099)
- Use Jinja2's `tojson` filter to convert data (conengmo 1101)
- Pass **kwargs as options to Leaflet classes (conengmo 1101)
- Explicit coordinate validation (conengmo 1090)
- Add `icon_create_function` arg to `FastMarkerCluster` plugin (Gordonei 1109)
- Add `PolyLineOffset` plugin (FabeG 1091)
- Add Locate Control plugin (fullonic 1116)
- Add Leaflet `CustomPane` class (Ipkirwin 1094)

API changes

- Remove `add_tile_layer` method from `Map` (conengmo 1127)
- Remove args from `Map`, if needed use `TileLayer` instead (conengmo 1127)

Bug fixes

- Fix broken attribution for built-in tiles (FabeG 1128)
- Fix broken prefer_canvas option of `Map` (FabeG 1133)



- Relaxing location data type restriction (dskkato 1084)
- Add options to draw control (EtsuNDmA 1035)
- folium 0.8.x will be the last version series to support Python 2 (conengmo 1087)

Bug Fixes

- Use CDN instead of Google (conengmo 1086)



- Warn when using geojson data with GeometryCollection type in GeoJsonToolTip (jtbaker 988)
- Change default popup width from 300px to 100% (ocefpaf 1040)
- Automatically detect VegaLite version from specs (JarnoRFB 959)
- Validate style and highlight functions in GeoJson (jtbaker 1024)
- AntPath plugin (ocefpaf 1016)
- Update Leaflet version to 1.4.0 (conengmo 1047)
- DualMap plugin (conengmo 933)
- CirclePattern and StripePattern plugins (talbertc-usgs 966)
- Add option to make Marker draggable (Conengmo 1053)
- Example notebook on creating polygons from points (HZALK 1056)

API changes

- Improved Search plugin (jtbaker 995)

Bug Fixes

- Re-add missing GeoJsonTooltip in __init__ (Conengmo 1029)
- Use Javascript template literals in DivIcon (Conengmo 1054)

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