
Latest version: v0.17.0

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Major changes to the API with the new plugin system,
and several new features in this version. For more information check the docs:

- Added control_scale (BibMartin and jelmelk 355)
- WMS styles (ocefpaf 348)
- Docs! (BibMartin 344, 337, 329)
- No tile option (ocefpaf 330)
- GeoJSON and TopoJSON `style_function` (BibMartin 317 and 266)
- Colormaps (BibMartin 300)
- Map CRS (BibMartin 297)
- GeoPandas drawing (BibMartin 296)
- Div Icons (BibMartin 250)
- CustomIcon (BibMartin 230)
- HeatMap (BibMartin 213)

And many bug fixes.


- Added Image Overlay. (andrewgiessel b625613)
- All popups can take a `popup_width` keyword to adjust the width in
text/HTML (ocefpaf 157).
- CAVEAT! Backwards incompatibly change: the keyword `width` in popups is now
`popup_width` to avoid confusion with map `width`.


- Popups on lines. (themiurgo 122)
- Map auto bounds. (themiurgo 134)
- GeoJSON popup. (ocefpaf 7aad5e0)
- Added cartodb positron and dark_matter tiles (ocefpaf d4daee7)
- Forcing HTTPS when available. (ocefpaf c69ac89)
- Added Stamen Watercolor tiles. (ocefpaf 8c1f837)
- Added non-pixel width and height. (ocefpaf a87a449)
- Default map size is defined as non-pixel and equal to 100% of the window.
(ocefpaf dcaf575)

Bug Fixes

- Draw GeoJSON first. (ocefpaf d92bdbe)
- Removed keyword unnecessary `popup_on`. (themiurgo 204d722)
- Fixed MapQuest Open Aerial URL. (ocefpaf 5e787fa)


- Popups allow unicode. (Anand Patil 545315a)
- Loading javascript over https. (Anand Patil ac9a4d6)
- Added `width` keyword to simple_popup. (ocefpaf 95325c4)
- Support multi_polyline. (Younggun Kim efbd1db)
- Added max and min zoom keywords. (ocefpaf 4ca4c92)

Bug Fixes

- Remove margins from leaflet-tiles. (Lennart Fricke 3c11433)
- Fix 50 template not found on Windows OSes. (ocefpaf 101daee)
- Fixed `add_wms_layer` py3k bug. (ocefpaf 154f0a5)


- Bootstrap glyphicon marker icons. birdage
- Cluster marker group, and simple markers . (birdage 801d91c)
- WMS tile. (birdage 26f9668)
- Expanded color support to 253 with colorbrewer. (Adam Pah 3ba39ae)
- Port to python 3. (Pavel Tysliatski 5093e1b)
- Update geojson_template to Leaflet.js 0.7. (Justin Duke a917551)
- Update fol_template to Leaflet.js 0.7. (Justin Duke b328cec)
- Add support for lines. (Jacob Wasserman e3be077)
- Allow rendering w/ custom template. (Samat K Jain 1a85841)
- MapQuest Open tilesets. (Samat K Jain d536949)

Bug Fixes

- Vincent popups take padding into account. (Kyle Corbitt 26556fe)
- Simple popups correctly escape internal quotes. (Kyle Corbitt 20c979f)
- Add encoding specification. jmduke
- Reverted change to mathchColor. (Roy Keyes 70d7f5c)
- Changed no-data fill to null/no-fill, rather than fff. (Rob Story 6ff80a6)
- Fixed issue with counties TopoJSON. (Rob Story cddaab3)


- TopoJSON functionality. (Rob Story 5566b71)
- Vincent/Vega charts as popups. (Rob Story 4b7e402)
- GeoJSON overlays added. (Rob Story b5d9081)
- Click to add markers, popover Lat/Lng functionality. (Rob Story 9c809f9)
- Simple and Circle markers added. (Rob Story 181ac51)
- Initial commit. (Rob Story 6a43874)

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