
Latest version: v0.12.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Replace remaining usage of assertEquals with assertEqual. See 720
- Fixes/tweaks to documentation
- Get guidelines from the mathInfo object directly. See 738


- Tweak to logic of `setStartSegment`


- Fixes to `setStartSegment` so that it keeps the start point on-curve and prevents setting a setting a start segment on an open contour (issues 709 and 412). Thanks typesupply!
- Fixes to docs and test setup. Boring things.


- Expose the `mathGlyph` options. Thanks typesupply! See 672
- Set defaultLayer to "public.default" when its available. Fixes issue 674. Thanks typemytype! See 675.
- Add `info.update` to the info object. Thanks typesupply! See 676


- Adds `setStartPoint` to the contour object. Thanks typemytype! See 668.


- Small documentation update and fix for scm tools.

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