
Latest version: v0.12.2

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- 2020-09-06: fontShell has `changed()` implemented now


- 2020-09-04: Fix for contours not getting updated in fontShell, thanks justvanrossum!
- 2020-09-03: Fix for error message in normalizeKerningKey, thanks colinmford!


- Fixed release build


- 2020-07-14: All rounding uses otRound. 536, fixes 533. Thanks colinmford!
- 2019-12-23: Allow contour.segment to be empty (480). Thanks typemytype!
- 2020-01-08: Image file names now get a png file extension (482). Thanks typemytype!
- 2020-02-03: Fixed error in setting contour index (488). Thanks typemytype!
- 2020-02-10: Fixed error in PointPositionMixin (486, fixed by 491)
- 2020-04-01: Added option to turn off normalizer tests
- 2020-04-07: Test fixes and updates. 512. Thanks schriftgestalt!
- various: Documentation updates and corrections


- 2019-12-10: No longer send or recieve images from math glyphs. (thanks letterror)
- 2019-12-10: Removed unittest2 dependency.
- 2019-10-21: Only use copy in _appendContour only if there is an offset. (thanks simoncozens)
- 2019-09-29: [fontshell] Accept pathLikeObjects for opening.


- 2019-09-28: Change how `glyph.unicode` behaves. Instead of adding to `glyph.unicodes`, on a `set` it sets `glyph.unicodes` to the single value provided (or an empty list if the value was `None`.)
- 2019-09-23: Fix an error in

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