
Latest version: v2.0.3

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Improve the load methods for components and `gridRow`, by passing
whether it applies to a Form `is_form`, otherwise it's obtained as a

Ensure an empty form `gridRow` doesn't appear in a grid's `rows`
property, made possible by the other `is_form` change.


Implementation of "simple" validation required.

For a Form object the validation errors can be retrieved by the new
`validation_errors()` method.

The new component method `validation_errors()` can be extended and
returns either a dictionary or a list (for grid components) with the
validation errors.


Improve the `datetimeComponent` value setter, to properly parse a date
with a custom format, when the `enableTime` (new property) is `False`.

Provide the `component_class_mapping` (interface) in the keyword arguments of the Form (class) instantiation.


Refactored the `Component` class `conditionally_visible` method, to
call the following 2 methods which can be extended in component
- `conditional_visible_json_when`
- `conditional_visible_json_logic`

Implemented the `conditional_visible_json_when` method for the `selectboxesComponent`.\
Extended the unittest `ConditionalVisibilitySimpleTestCase` with simple conditional visibility for the `selectboxesComponent`.


Fix `get_component_object` (Builder) method to handle `ModuleNotFoundError`.\
Therefor implemented the `get_component_class` method to determine the class with a fallback to the base `Component` class.


New "component class mapping feature" for the Builder instantiation:\
Map a custom component type to an implemented component class, which is then loaded.

An example is available in the unittests of file: `tests/`

Also refactored the Builder constructor, from some `kwargs` to keyword arguments.

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