
Latest version: v2.0.3

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Implement builder component path properties (keys, labels).

List of complete path components with keys. This includes layout components.

List of complete path components with labels. This includes layout components.

List of input components in path with keys. This only includes input components, so no layout components.

List of input components in path with labels. This only includes input components, so no layout components.

Also propagate this as first official release 1.0.0


Fix `initEmpty` in `editgridComponent`, bug in previous version 0.5.0


Implement `initEmpty` in `editgridComponent`, which obtains a different key (`openWhenEmpty`) in the form builder schema.


- Add support for editGrid component (33).
- Breaking change: in a dataGrid, renamed `gridRow` object's `datagrid` property to `grid`.

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