
Latest version: v1.7.7

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- Fixed a bug in the member and parameter parsing that couldn't handle `len=*` for character types.
- Fixed a bug that would break the `<summary>` tag for modules if the tag included the word "module" in its text, even though it was commented out.



- Fixed a bug where the data file reading for unit testing was not skipping lines with the comment character, which obviously couldn't be cast as integers, reals, etc. Instead, I created two interfaces that can take real or integer values and read them from an arbitrary file; lots of code duplication in `fortpy.f90`, but the drivers are *much* cleaner now.
- Fixed a variable parser bug where variables separated only by `,` and not `, ` were not found.
- Fixed a bug with allocate dimensions where the logic was switched.
- Added dependency chaining when special kind parameters or derived types need to be declared in the driver that are not in the same module as the executable being unit tested.
- Added support for an `<assignment>` tag to set a constant value directly without needing to embed a `<value>` tag. Just add the attribute `constant="value"` instead of setting the _value_ attribute.



- Changed the data type kind variable names to be `fdp`, `fsi`, `fli` and `fsp` to avoid conflict with common naming conventions.



- Fixed a problem with docstring orphaning caused by searching for module member keys (lower case) using an upper case search string.
- Added statements to ignore the MPI module in compilation; it was raising module not found exceptions when MPI is obviously something we don't need to worry about.



- Fixed a bug with function fitting introduced with Revision 1.3.5.
- Added fit-related dependent variable removal from `self.curargs["dependents"]` when `rmfit` is used.
- Fixed issue 28



- Postfix functions weren't being applied anymore to the data because of the filter inclusion in each dependent variable. Fixed.

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